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Effects of genotype, age and their interaction on egg quality in brown-egg laying hens.


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The experiment was conducted to compare the effects of strain and age on egg quality characteristics of ISA Brown, Hisex Brown and Moravia BSL brown-egg laying hens. 108 ISA Brown hens, 45 Hisex Brown and 45 Moravia BSL, 20-60 weeks old, were housed in conventional cages (550 cm2 per hen). Feed and water were available ad libitum. Eggs were sampled at 21-day intervals, every collecting week 150 eggs per genotype in three age periods, from 20 to 26 weeks, 37 to 43 weeks and 54 to 60 weeks of age. A total of 4050 eggs were examined. Egg quality characteristics were affected by genotype and age. Results revealed that the egg weight, yolk weight and percentage, Haugh Units increased with the hens' age in all genotypes, but albumen and eggshell percentage decreased, eggshell thickness and strength improved with age. The highest egg weight (65.3 g) and yolk quality (yolk index 45.1%) were found in Moravia BSL at the end of the experiment. The best albumen quality (albumen percentage 60.0) values were found in Hisex Brown and the eggshell quality measurements (eggshell thickness 0.38 mm) were higher in ISA Brown.
机译:进行该实验以比较品系和年龄对ISA布朗,Hisex布朗和Moravia BSL棕色蛋产蛋鸡的蛋品质特性的影响。将20-60周大的108头ISA布朗母鸡,45头Hisex Brown和45头Moravia BSL放在常规笼子中(每只母鸡550 cm 2 )。可以自由采食饲料和水。每隔21天取​​样一次鸡蛋,每个采集周在三个年龄段(20至26周,37至43周和54至60周龄)每个基因型收集150个卵。总共检查了4050个鸡蛋。卵的品质特性受基因型和年龄的影响。结果表明,在所有基因型中,鸡蛋的重量,蛋黄重量和百分比,霍夫单位随母鸡年龄的增加而增加,但是蛋清和蛋壳的百分比降低,蛋壳的厚度和强度随年龄的增长而提高。在实验结束时,在摩拉维亚BSL中发现最高的蛋重(65.3 g)和蛋黄质量(蛋黄指数45.1%)。在Hisex Brown中发现了最佳的蛋白质量(白蛋白百分比60.0)值,在ISA Brown中蛋壳质量的测量值(蛋壳厚度0.38 mm)更高。



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