首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Plant Protection Sciences >Effect of planting dates on dynamics of natural enemies of aphids infesting Brassica campestris, Brassicae oleracea var. capitata and Brassica oleracea var. botrytis

Effect of planting dates on dynamics of natural enemies of aphids infesting Brassica campestris, Brassicae oleracea var. capitata and Brassica oleracea var. botrytis

机译:种植日期对蚜虫生育芸薹属植物的天然敌人动态的影响,Brassicae Oleracea VAR。 Capitata和Brassica Oleracea var。 Botrytis.

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The impact of variation in planting dates on dynamics of predator and parasitoid of aphids was studied on brassica crops. The population was determined on early (3 October), mid (20 October) and late seeded (10 November) mustard, cabbage and cauliflower for two successive years (2011-12 & 2012-13). The mid and late seeded cabbage and cauliflower availed the maximum density of coccinellids (3.93 grubs/plant), syrphids (2.42 maggots/plant) and mummified aphids (10.33 mummies/plant). However, the earlyplanted mustard, harboured the relatively low population of both predators (2.93 coccinellids/plant, 2.07 syrphids/plant) and parasitoids (1.33 mummies/plant). The information inferred from variation in planting dates and its impact on incidence of natural enemies of aphids could be the significant outcome to achieve within-season mortality of aphids on late seeded brassica crops.
机译:在甘草作物上研究了捕食者和寄生虫和寄生虫寄生虫动态种植日期的影响。 人口是在10月初(10月3日)和晚期(11月10日)芥末,白菜和花椰菜的终身厘定(2011-12和2012-13)。 中期和晚期的卷心菜和花椰菜可利用Coccinellids(3.93个Grubs /植物),糖粉(2.42蛆/植物)和木乃伊蚜虫(10.33木乃伊/植物)的最大密度。 然而,早期的芥末,患有捕食者的相对较低的群体(2.93个Coccinellid /植物,2.07糖蛋白/植物)和寄生虫(1.33木乃伊/植物)。 从种植日期的变化推断的信息及其对蚜虫的天然敌人发病率的影响可能是在晚播种芸苔作物中达到蚜虫内部死亡率的显着结果。



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