首页> 外文期刊>Acta tropica: Journal of Biomedical Sciences >Distribution and larval habitat characterization of Anopheles moucheti, Anopheles nili, and other malaria vectors in river networks of southern Cameroon.

Distribution and larval habitat characterization of Anopheles moucheti, Anopheles nili, and other malaria vectors in river networks of southern Cameroon.


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Despite their importance as malaria vectors, little is known of the bionomic of Anopheles nili and Anopheles moucheti. Larval collections from 24 sites situated along the dense hydrographic network of south Cameroon were examined to assess key ecological factors associated with these mosquitoes distribution in river networks. Morphological identification of the III and IV instar larvae by the use of microscopy revealed that 47.6% of the larvae belong to An. nili and 22.6% to An. moucheti. Five variables were significantly involved with species distribution, the pace of flow of the river (lotic, or lentic), the light exposure (sunny or shady), vegetation (presence or absence of vegetation) the temperature and the presence or absence of debris. Using canonical correspondence analysis, it appeared that lotic rivers, exposed to light, with vegetation or debris were the best predictors of An. nili larval abundance. Whereas, An. moucheti and An. ovengensis were highly associated with lentic rivers, low temperature, having Pistia. An. nili and An. moucheti distribution along river systems across south Cameroon was highly correlated with environmental variables. The distribution of An. nili conforms to that of a generalist species which is adapted to exploiting a variety of environmental conditions, Whereas, An. moucheti, Anopheles ovengensis and Anopheles carnevalei appeared as specialist forest mosquitoes.
机译:尽管它们作为疟疾媒介很重要,但对尼氏按蚊和莫氏按蚊的生物学特性知之甚少。考察了喀麦隆南部稠密水文网络沿线24个地点的幼虫集合,以评估与这些蚊子在河网中分布有关的关键生态因素。利用显微镜对Ⅲ龄和Ⅳ龄幼虫进行形态学鉴定,发现47.6%的幼虫属于An。妮莉和22.6%的安。莫切蒂。五个变量与物种分布,河流的流动速度(雨水或透镜状植物),光照(晴天或阴暗),植被(有无植被),温度以及是否存在碎片密切相关。使用规范对应分析,似乎暴露于阳光下,有植被或垃圾的露水河是An的最佳预测指标。尼利幼虫丰度。嗯穆切蒂和安。 pottergensis与lentic河流高度相关,温度低,有水浮萍。一个。妮莉和安。喀麦隆南部整个河流系统的莫切蒂分布与环境变量高度相关。安的分布。 nili符合适应多种环境条件的多面手物种的种类。 moucheti,anopheles potgensis和Carnevalei按蚊是专门的森林蚊子。



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