首页> 外文期刊>Acta Virologica: International Journal >Spectrum of VP1 region genetic variants in the foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype O populations derived from infected cattle tongue epithelium

Spectrum of VP1 region genetic variants in the foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype O populations derived from infected cattle tongue epithelium


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RNA virus population exists as a complex distribution of non-identical but closely related sequences known as viral quasispecies. Variant strains are selected from this quasispecies population in response to changing environment. The quasispecies dynamics of a virus existing within an infected host differs from that in a cell culture-adapted population. This study was carried out to explore the genetic variations present in the VP1 coding region of the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) virus serotype 0 derived directly from infected cattle tongue epithelium. Molecular clonal populations of two serotype 0 strains belonging to lineages Ind2001 (IND 30/2011) and PanAsia2 (IND 5/2011) were sequenced at VP1 coding region. For IND 30/2011, 19 clones were sequenced and analysis showed variations at 12 nucleotide positions (nt) resulting in 8 amino acid (aa) replacements. Similarly, for IND 5/2011 virus, 18 clones were sequenced, of which six showed nt variations leading to 3 aa replacements. Most of the variable positions mapped to the surface-exposed loops and some of them were found in the neutralizing antigenic sites (position 81, 149, 169, 186 and 202 of IND 30/2011 and 141 of IND 5/2011), which potentially could be beneficial in rapid adaptive evolution of the virus by giving rise to antigenic variants to overcome neutralizing antibodies. These findings encourage further research into the landscape of the viral quasispecies population in vivo and its implication for viral ecology.
机译:RNA病毒种群以不完全相同但紧密相关的序列(称为病毒准种)的复杂分布形式存在。响应于变化的环境从该准种种群中选择变异株。被感染宿主内存在的病毒的准种动态与适应细胞培养的人群的准种动态不同。进行了这项研究,以探讨口蹄疫(FMD)病毒血清型0的VP1编码区中直接源自受感染牛舌上皮的遗传变异。在VP1编码区对属于谱系Ind2001(IND 30/2011)和PanAsia2(IND 5/2011)的两个血清型0菌株的分子克隆种群进行了测序。对于IND 30/2011,对19个克隆进行了测序,分析显示12个核苷酸位置(nt)发生变异,导致8个氨基酸(aa)替换。同样,对于IND 5/2011病毒,测序了18个克隆,其中六个显示nt变异,导致3个氨基酸置换。映射到表面暴露环的大多数可变位置,其中一些位于中和性抗原位点(IND 30/2011的位置81、149、169、186和202和IND 5/2011的位置141)通过产生抗原变体以克服中和抗体,可能对病毒的快速适应性进化有益。这些发现鼓励进一步研究体内病毒准种种群的格局及其对病毒生态学的意义。



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