首页> 外文期刊>Acta Zoologica >The Florida amphioxus (Cephalochordata) hosts larvae of the tapeworm Acanthobothrium brevissime: natural history, anatomy and taxonomic identification of the parasite

The Florida amphioxus (Cephalochordata) hosts larvae of the tapeworm Acanthobothrium brevissime: natural history, anatomy and taxonomic identification of the parasite


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Holland, N. D., Campbell, T. G., Garey, J. R., Holland, L. Z. and Wilson, N. G. 2009. The Florida amphioxus (Cephalochordata) hosts larvae of the tapeworm Acanthobothrium brevissime: natural history, anatomy and taxonomic identification of the parasite. - Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 90: 75-86. Plerocercoid larvae of a tapeworm are frequently found in the hindgut lumen of the Florida amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae) in central west Florida. About three-quarters of the adult amphioxus are parasitized. On average, each adult amphioxus hosts about five tapeworm larvae. The residence time of the parasites in the amphioxus gut appears to be in the order of several months, which is considerably shorter than the potential lifetime of the host. The living larvae range in length (when fully extended) from 300 to 850 mu m and are approximately cone-shaped, tapering to a point posteriorly and bearing a single large sucker anteriorly. Toward the anterior end of the body are four hookless bothridia, each indented by three loculi plus an inconspicuous accessory sucker. The larvae initiate the early stages of hook formation when they are cultured for a few days in urea-saline (mimicking the gut fluid of the definitive host, which is an elasmobranch). The tapeworm larvae are identifiable to genus and species on the basis of correspondences between their nuclear ribosomal DNA genes and those of adult specimens of Acanthobothrium brevissime recovered from the spiral valve of a stingray from the same environment.
机译:Holland,N. D.,Campbell,T. G.,Garey,J. R.,Holland,L. Z.和Wilson,N. G.2009。佛罗里达双歧杆菌(Cephalochordata)寄养the虫短幼体:自然历史,寄生虫的解剖学和分类学鉴定。 -动物学报(斯德哥尔摩)90:75-86。在美国佛罗里达州中西部的佛罗里达安非他命(Branchiostoma floridae)的后肠腔中经常发现tape虫的包膜幼虫。大约四分之三的成年两栖动物被寄生了。平均而言,每只成年两栖类动物约有五个five虫幼虫。寄生虫在双歧杆菌肠道中的停留时间似乎为几个月左右,比宿主的潜在寿命短得多。活幼虫的长度(完全伸展时)在300到850微米之间,大致呈圆锥形,向后逐渐变细,向前带有单个大吸盘。朝向身体的前端的是四个无钩虹膜虹膜,每个凹陷都由三个位置和一个不起眼的附属吸盘缩进。当幼虫在尿素盐水中培养几天后,幼虫便开始形成钩子的早期阶段(模仿最终宿主的肠液,这是一种弹性分支)。 tape虫幼虫可根据其核核糖体DNA基因与从同一环境中从ray鱼的螺旋阀中回收的短棘皮成虫的成年标本之间的对应关系来区分属和种。



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