AbstractA holistic landscape approach to cultural resource analysis of a set of archaeological sites in the cent'/> Holistic geoarchaeology in the Penobscot Valley, Maine, USA: context, scale, and interpretation
首页> 外文期刊>Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences >Holistic geoarchaeology in the Penobscot Valley, Maine, USA: context, scale, and interpretation

Holistic geoarchaeology in the Penobscot Valley, Maine, USA: context, scale, and interpretation

机译:Lenobscot Valley,缅因州,美国的整体地球研引神:背景,规模和解释

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AbstractA holistic landscape approach to cultural resource analysis of a set of archaeological sites in the central Penobscot Valley led to inferences regarding the Holocene physical and biological environmental context. Targeted environmental studies include (1) examination of forest and wetland changes through time and (2) lake-level studies as a key to paleohydrology. These studies were combined with broad-scale geomorphic investigations and detailed stratigraphic analyses, and studies of archaeological sites and their artifact assemblages. Together, these studies provide a picture of dramatic changes to the physical and vegetational landscape. These included reestablishment of a major river following deglaciation, evolution of extensive lakes to uplands and peatlands, and a shifting mosaic of open and closed forest composed of a variety of hardwood and softwood species. Inferences based on buried soils exposed in archaeological excavations supported climatic interpretations based on vegetation and paleohydrology. As a result, this work allowed evaluation of (1) site formation and preservation processes and (2) occupational patterns. Site formation and preservation of Early Holocene sites can be linked to sedimentation by hydraulic damming upstream of rapids at the mouths of tributary streams. Shifting human land use reflected by changes in occupation patterns appears to correspond to changes in forest composition as well as wetland and stream evolution through time.]]>
机译:<![cdata [ <标题>抽象 ara>一套考古遗址的文化资源分析的整体景观方法Penobscot Valley中央谷导致全新世物理和生物环境环境的推论。有针对性的环境研究包括(1)森林和湿地的检查通过时间和(2)湖泊研究作为古水资产的关键。这些研究与广泛的地貌研究和详细的地层分析以及考古地点及其工件组合的研究相结合。这些研究在一起,为物理和植物景观提供了戏剧性变化的画面。这些包括重建在令人沮丧之后的一个主要河流,对高地湖泊和泥炭块的进化,以及由各种硬木和软木物种组成的开放和封闭森林的转移马赛克。基于埋藏土壤暴露的埋地土壤的推论支持基于植被和古水化学的气候解释。结果,这项工作允许评估(1)场地形成和保存过程和(2)职业模式。现场形成和保存早期的全新序位点可以通过迅速上游在支流流的迅速上游的沉淀。通过占用模式的变化反映的换人的人土地似乎对应于森林组成以及湿地以及通过时间的流进化的变化。 ]]>



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