The occurrences of polymetallic sulphide and arsenide deposits (Cu, Cu?+?Fe?+?As, Cu?+?Au?+?Fe, Cu?+?Zn) in Meymand, central Iran, make this region as one o'/> Preliminary archaeometallurgical studies on copper extraction from polymetallic ore sources in Meymand, south central Iranian desert
首页> 外文期刊>Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences >Preliminary archaeometallurgical studies on copper extraction from polymetallic ore sources in Meymand, south central Iranian desert

Preliminary archaeometallurgical studies on copper extraction from polymetallic ore sources in Meymand, south central Iranian desert


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AbstractThe occurrences of polymetallic sulphide and arsenide deposits (Cu, Cu?+?Fe?+?As, Cu?+?Au?+?Fe, Cu?+?Zn) in Meymand, central Iran, make this region as one of the most important areas for studying the beginning of metallurgy on the Iranian plateau. This research focuses on preliminary studies of smelting slags used for metallurgical purposes in the Meymand area. The slags were studied using XRD, including the Rietveld refining measurement for determining the crystalline phase composition. Cluster analysis was calculated using a correlation matrix and euclidean distance in the XRD pattern. XRF analysis was used to determine the major, minor and trace elements compositions. Mineralogical-petrological phase interpretation was carried out by polarization microscopy. The main segregation consists of augite, fayalite, clinoferrosilite and different phases of copper sulphides. According to the thermodynamic stability field of minerals, copper was extracted at approximately 950–1100?°C from an oxide-sulphide ore mixture.
机译:<标题>抽象 ara id =“par1”>多金属硫化物和砷化物沉积物的出现(Cu,Cu?+?+ fe?+?As,Cu?+?au?+?fe,cu?+伊朗中部Meymand的Zn)使这个地区成为研究伊朗高原冶金开始的最重要领域之一。本研究侧重于冶炼渣中用于冶金地区的冶炼渣的初步研究。使用XRD研究渣,包括用于确定结晶相组合物的Rietveld精制测量。使用XRD图案中的相关矩阵和欧几里德距离计算集群分析。 XRF分析用于确定主要,次要和微量元素组合物。通过偏振显微镜进行矿物学相位解释。主要隔离由亚沸石,氟拉石,ClinoferrositITITE和不同相铜硫化物组成。根据矿物的热力学稳定性领域,从氧化硫化物矿石混合物约950-1100℃萃取铜。



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