首页> 外文期刊>Acta Virologica: International Journal >Detection of Egg drop syndrome 1976 virus by polymerase chain reaction and study of its persistence in experimentally infected layer birds

Detection of Egg drop syndrome 1976 virus by polymerase chain reaction and study of its persistence in experimentally infected layer birds


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Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was developed for the detection of Egg drop syndrome 1976 (EDS-76) virus in tissues, namely in the uterus, spleen and buffy coat. It was also used to study the persistence of the virus in tissues of experimentally infected layer birds. The PCR assay could detect as little as 10 fg of purified EDS-76 viral DNA. It also amplified the DNA of Fowl adenovirus serotypes 4 (FAV-4) and 8 (FAV-8). The virus persisted in the uterus up to day 21 post infection (p.i.). Detection of EDS-76 viral DNA in the buffy coat could be useful for studying the occurrence of the respective disease in layer bird flocks.
机译:开发了聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测试剂盒,用于检测组织(即子宫,脾脏和血沉棕黄层)中的1976年掉蛋综合征(EDS-76)病毒。它也用于研究病毒在实验感染的蛋鸡组织中的持久性。 PCR测定法可检测到低至10 fg的纯化EDS-76病毒DNA。它还扩增了家禽腺病毒血清型4(FAV-4)和8(FAV-8)的DNA。该病毒在感染后第21天一直在子宫内持续存在(p.i.)。在血沉棕黄层中检测EDS-76病毒DNA可用于研究蛋鸡群中各种疾病的发生。



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