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Artificial reproduction of Anguilla anguilla: evaluation of biometrics characteristics of a population from Valle Campo Lagoon, Comacchio (Italy)

机译:Anguilla Anguilla的人工繁殖:从Valle Campo Lagoon,Comacchio(意大利)的人口的生物识别特征评估

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One of the major problems in artificial eel reproduction is identification of broodstock with high performance reproductive characteristics. The aim of this study was to study population characteristics and the reproductive potential of eels (Anguilla anguilla) located in Valle Campo valley (Comacchio, Italy). A total of 200 eels/period (spring-summer and autumn-winter) were measured to obtain an external indicator of their maturation state. Morphometric parameters were used to calculate condition factor (K), eye index (EI) and pectoral fin length index (PFLI). Silver index analyses showed the lack of silver males and of fully mature females. Most represented females were yellow females at stage II. Silver females represented 27.9% of the population. Seasonal analysis shows how temperature reduction favoured the presence of silver females versus yellow females. Statistical analysis of EI, cranial (CI), PFLI and gonadosomatic (GSI) indexes showed that significant differences were found for EI, CI, PFLI and GSI between yellow and silver eels. No significant difference was found between stage III and IV silver eels, while a significant difference for EI was found between stage I and II yellow eels and for IC at stage II with respect to all other stages. The present study defined how Valle Campo could present environmental and trophic conditions which could favour precocious development of a population of silver females with a noticeable reproductive potential, to be used in open sea release or in artificial reproduction programmes. On the contrary, the valley seems to present unfavourable conditions for both development and sexual maturation of male eels.
机译:人造鳗鱼繁殖中的主要问题之一是具有高性能生殖特性的亲属识别。本研究的目的是研究位于山谷Campo谷(意大利Comacchio)的鳗鱼(Anguilla Anguilla)的人口特征和生殖潜力。测量总共200鳗/周期(春夏和秋季冬季)以获得其成熟状态的外部指标。使用形态学参数来计算条件因子(K),眼睛指数(EI)和胸鳍长度指数(PFLI)。银指数分析显示缺乏银色的男性和完全成熟的女性。大多数代表的女性是II期的黄色女性。银女性占人口的27.9%。季节性分析表明,减少温度如何青睐银女性与黄色女性的存在。 EI,颅骨(CI),PFLI和促性腺(GSI)指标的统计分析表明,黄色和银鳗之间的EI,CI,PFLI和GSI发现显着差异。在第III期和IV银鳗之间没有发现显着差异,而在阶段I和II黄鳗鱼和II期相对于所有其他阶段的II阶段,EI之间发现了显着差异。本研究规定了Valle Campo如何呈现环境和营养疾病,这可能有利于具有明显的生殖潜力的银女性群体的早熟发展,以用于开放海洋释放或人工繁殖计划。相反,山谷似乎对雄性鳗的发育和性成熟呈现不利的条件。



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