首页> 外文期刊>Animal Biotechnology >Expression Analysis of Genes Associated with Prolificacy in FecB Carrier and Noncarrier Indian Sheep

Expression Analysis of Genes Associated with Prolificacy in FecB Carrier and Noncarrier Indian Sheep


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The effect of FecB mutation on the gene expression in FecB carrier and noncarrier estrous synchronized ewes, has been analyzed. For this study the whole ovarian tissues and Graafian follicles were collected from estrus synchronized FecB carrier Garole, and non-carrier Deccani Indian sheep, showing remarkable differences in the numbers of preovulatory follicles among two groups. Eleven potential candidate genes (BMP15, GDF9, BMP4, BMP7, BMPR1B, BMPR1A, SMAD9, LHCGR, FSHR, IGF1R, and STAT5) were selected for their expression analysis by SybrGreen based real-time PCR, across ovaries and Graafian follicles of different fecundity groups, for having better insights into the effect of FecB genotypes on follicular development. Variable expression was observed for almost all the genes included in the present study among high and low fecundity groups that was most significant for the BMP7, BMP4, LHCGR, and FSHR transcripts in the ovarian follicles of high and low fecundity ewes, indicating their importance in governing the fecundity in FecB carrier, Indian Garole sheep. BMP4 expression among the genes studied was significantly higher in FecB carrier Garole sheep. This study confirms the changes in mRNA expression of the genes implicated in follicular development in FecB carrier and noncarrier Indian sheep breeds.



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