首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Agricultural Research >Production and consumption of minor millets in India- A structure break analysis

Production and consumption of minor millets in India- A structure break analysis

机译:印度少米的生产和消费 - 结构分析

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Millets play an important role in rainfed region of the country which contributes 60 percent of the total area. Especially minor millets are very rich nutrients and are minerals and resistant to drought and stress in rainfed farming. Consumption pattern of small millets and finger millet was examined by using NSSO unit level data. Assam (18.82 kg/hsh/m) and Bihar (18.69 kg/hsh/m) states have highest consumption of small millets found in all India and rural areas. Madhya Pradesh has highest area of small millets (32.4%) followed by Chhattisgarh (19.5%), Uttarakhand (8%), Maharashtra (7.8%), Gujarat (5.3%) and Tamil Nadu (3.9%). Uttrakhand has highest productivity of 1174 Kg/ha followed by Tamil Nadu (1067 Kg/ha) and Gujarat (1056 Kg/ha). Structural breaks estimated based on bai-peron method for both finger millet and minor millet. In case of area under minor millets structural break was observed in the year 1998 and between 2000 and 2002. In comparison to sorghum, pearl millet and finger millet limited varieties of small millet have been developed.
机译:小米在国家的雨水地区发挥着重要作用,贡献了总面积的60%。特别是小米是非常丰富的营养素,是矿物质和雨水养殖中的干旱和压力。通过使用NSSO单元级数据检查小小米和手指小米的消耗模式。阿萨姆(18.82千克/米)和比哈尔(18.69千克/米/米)各国在印度和农村地区发现的小小米消耗最高。 Madhya Pradesh拥有最高的小米面积(32.4%),然后是Chhattisgarh(19.5%),Uttarakhand(8%),Maharashtra(7.8%),Gujarat(5.3%)和泰米尔纳德(3.9%)。 Uttrakhand的生产力最高为1174千克/公顷,其次是泰米尔纳德邦(1067千克/公顷)和古吉拉特(1056千克/公顷)。基于BAI-PERON方法对手指小米和少米的结构破裂。如果在1998年和2000年期间观察到较小的小米结构下的结构突破,而2000年至2002年间则观察到。与高粱相比,已经开发出珍珠小米和手指小米有限的小米。



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