首页> 外文期刊>Current Anthropology: A World Journal of the Sciences of Man >Learning to Read the Great Chernobyl Acceleration: Literacy in the More-than-Human Landscapes(1)

Learning to Read the Great Chernobyl Acceleration: Literacy in the More-than-Human Landscapes(1)


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The explosion of reactor number 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986, is often described as mankind's biggest nuclear accident. However, describing Chernobyl as an accident works like a broom to sweep away the larger story around it, which is more important. Exploring the larger Chernobyl Zone with the help of two biologists and a centenarian villager, this article shows how the greater Pripyat Marshes, where the 1986 accident took place, was already sullied with elevated levels of man-made radioactivity before the plant was ever built. Major radioactive releases continue in the region to this day. By enlarging the scale and temporal dimension of this history, this article shows how the Chernobyl accident serves as only an exclamation point in a chain of toxic exposures that remastered the landscape, society, politics, and bodies, not just locally, but globally.
机译:1986年4月26日,切尔诺贝利核电站的反应堆号码4的爆炸通常被描述为人类最大的核事故。 然而,描述切尔诺贝利作为事故的作品,就像扫帚一样扫除它周围的更大的故事,这更为重要。 本文探索了较大的切尔诺贝利区,凭借两个生物学家和百年村民,这篇文章展示了1986年发生的沼泽沼泽地的沼泽地,在植物建造之前已经陷入了升高的人造放射性水平。 主要放射性释放在该地区继续到这一天。 通过扩大本历史的规模和时间维度,本文展示了切尔诺贝利事故是如何仅在毒性,社会,政治和机构中更新的有毒暴露链中的感叹号,而不仅仅是本地,而且在全球范围内。



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