首页> 外文期刊>Biosystems Engineering >Estimating Tiller Density and Leaf Area Index of Winter Wheat using Spectral Reflectance and Ultrasonic Sensing Techniques

Estimating Tiller Density and Leaf Area Index of Winter Wheat using Spectral Reflectance and Ultrasonic Sensing Techniques


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A 2-year study is reported in which tractor-mounted radiometer and ultrasonic sensing systems were evaluated to determine if the combined arrangement could be used to estimate tiller numbers (tillers m{sup}(-2)) and the leaf area index (LAI) of winter wheat. The system was tested over two growing seasons, on a range of winter wheat varieties planted at different seed rates on different soil types. By using a combination of the coefficient of variation (CV) of the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and a new form of compound vegetation index derived from the radiometer and ultrasonic sensor height output measurements, the tiller numbers and leaf area index were estimated to an accuracy of ±125 tillers m{sup}(-2) and ±0.47 LAI, respectively, without using any other direct field measurements. This study has shown that a tractor-mounted sensing system can be used to assess tiller numbers and leaf area index. These values offer the potential to be used directly with canopy management principles to aid the agronomic decision-making process. They can be used to help determine the optimum level of inputs such as fertilisers, fungicides and growth regulators at a given stage of crop development and to account for variations within a field.
机译:据报道进行了为期两年的研究,其中对安装在拖拉机上的辐射计和超声传感系统进行了评估,以确定组合的布置是否可用于估算分till数(分iller m {sup}(-2))和叶面积指数(LAI) )的冬小麦。该系统经过两个生长季节的测试,以不同种子类型在不同土壤类型上种植的一系列冬小麦品种进行了测试。通过使用归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)的变异系数(CV)和从辐射计和超声波传感器高度输出测量得出的新形式的复合植被指数的组合,估算分numbers数和叶面积指数无需使用任何其他直接野外测量,精度分别为±125分ers m {sup}(-2)和±0.47 LAI。这项研究表明,拖拉机安装的传感系统可用于评估分assess数和叶面积指数。这些值提供了直接与冠层管理原理配合使用以帮助进行农艺决策过程的潜力。它们可用于帮助确定在特定作物生长阶段的最佳投入量,例如肥料,杀真菌剂和生长调节剂,并解释田间的变化。



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