首页> 外文期刊>Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica: Durg Research >The stability of quinapril hydrochloride--a mixture of amorphous and crystalline forms (QHCl-AC)--in solid phase.

The stability of quinapril hydrochloride--a mixture of amorphous and crystalline forms (QHCl-AC)--in solid phase.


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The first-order rate constants and thermodynamic parameters (Ea [kJ x mole(-1)] = 139.9 for RH=0% and 133.6 for RH=76.4%; deltaH(++)[kJ x mole(-1) = 137.4 for RH=0% and 131.1 for RH=76.4%; delta(S(++) [J x (K(-1) x mole(-1)) = 35.4 for RH=0% and -207.8 for RH=76.4% for the degradation of quinapril hydrochloride--a mixture of amorphous and crystalline forms (QHCl-AC) in solid state were calculated. The effect of humidity on the stahility of QHCl-AC in the humidity range 25.0% to 76% at 363K is described by the equation ln ki = ax + b = (0.058 +/- 0.0086) x RH% - (14.19 +/- 0.50). Mechanism of degradation of QHCl-AC was investigated at 363 K (relative humidity 76.4%) and 373 K (relative humidity 0%).
机译:一级速率常数和热力学参数(RH = 0%时Ea [kJ x mole(-1)] = 139.9,RH = 76.4%时为133.6; deltaH(++)[kJ x mole(-1)= 137.4)对于RH = 0%,对于RH = 76.4%为131.1; delta(S(++)[J x(K(-1)x mole(-1))= 35.4,对于RH = 0%,对于RH = 76.4,-207.8 %的盐酸奎纳普利的降解-计算了固态和非晶态(QHCl-AC)混合物,在363K湿度25.0%至76%的湿度范围内,湿度对QHCl-AC稳定性的影响为用ln ki = ax + b =(0.058 +/- 0.0086)x RH%-(14.19 +/- 0.50)来描述QHCl-AC在363 K(相对湿度76.4%)和373时的降解机理K(相对湿度0%)。



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