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Late Miocene large mammals from Yulafli, Thrace region, Turkey, and their biogeographic implications


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Collecting over the last twenty years in sand and gravel quarries near Yulafli in European Turkey has yielded a substantial fauna of large mammals. The most significant of these for biochronology are well-preserved remains of the ursid Indarctos arctoides, the suid Hippopotamodon antiquus, and several rhino genera. They point to a late Vallesian (MN 10-equivalent) age. Several other taxa, of longer chronological range, are in good agreement with this dating. The Proboscidea include, besides the Eastern Mediterranean Choerolophodon, the Deinotherium + Tetralophodon association, commonly found in Europe, and the rare "Mastodon" grandincisivus, here reported for the first time in the Vallesian. The age of Yulafli shows that the large size of some taxa, such as Deinotherium (size close to that of D. gigantissimum) and Dorcatherium, does not always track chronology. The Yulafli fauna is close in composition and ecology to other localities in Turkish Thrace, and also shares several taxa unknown in Anatolia, especially Dorcatherium, with the North-Western European Province. It reflects a forested/humid landscape that extended in Vallesian times along the Aegean coast of Turkey, perhaps as far South as Crete, quite distinct from the open environments recorded at the same period in Greek Macedonia and Anatolia, and probably more like the central European one. Together with the establishment of a Tethys-Paratethys marine connection, this "Eastern Aegean Province" likely acted as an ecological barrier that hindered East-West migrations of open-country large mammals, such as bovids or long-limbed giraffes, and might have contributed to the differentiation of Ouranopithecus and Ankarapithecus.
机译:在过去的二十年中,在欧洲土耳其的尤拉夫利附近的沙石采石场进行采伐,已经产生了大型哺乳动物的大量动物。在生物年代学中,最重要的是保存完好的Ursid Indarctos arctoides,suid Hippopotamodon antiquus和几个犀牛属的遗迹。他们指出了晚期的瓦列斯时代(相当于MN 10)。其他几个具有较长时间范围的分类单元与此日期很吻合。除了东地中海的chophoolophodon外,Proboscidea还包括在欧洲常见的Deinotherium + Tetralophodon协会,以及罕见的“ Mastodon” grandincisivus,在瓦利西亚人中首次报道。尤拉夫利(Yulafli)的年龄表明,某些类群的大体,例如Deinotherium(接近D. gigantissimum的大体)和Dorcatherium,并不总能追踪年代。 Yulafli动物区系的组成和生态与土耳其色雷斯的其他地区非常接近,并且与西北欧洲省共享安纳托利亚(尤其是Dorcatherium)未知的几个分类单元。它反映了森林/潮湿的景观,在土耳其的爱琴海海岸(可能一直延伸到克里特岛)的瓦利西亚时期延伸,与同期在希腊马其顿和安纳托利亚所记录的开放环境截然不同,可能更像是中欧地区一。与建立特提斯-帕拉特斯人的海洋联系在一起,这个“东爱琴海省”很可能是生态屏障,阻碍了开阔的大型哺乳动物(如牛科动物或长肢长颈鹿)的东西向迁移。区分Ouranopithecus和Ankarapithecus。



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