首页> 外文期刊>Acta Palaeontologica Polonica >The hind limb skeleton and cursorial adaptations of the Plio-Pleistocene rabbit Hypolagus beremendensis

The hind limb skeleton and cursorial adaptations of the Plio-Pleistocene rabbit Hypolagus beremendensis

机译:上新世家兔Hypolagus beremendensis的后肢骨骼和游标适应

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Hypolagus beremendensis, a representative of the Archaeolaginae, was one of the most abundant and widespread leporids in the Plio-Pleistocene of Europe. The vast accumulations of skeletal remains from the Polish Pliocene sites (Weze 1, Rebielice Krolewskie 1 and 2, and Kadzielnia 1) yielded thousands of bones representing almost all skeletal regions. The detailed hind limb morphology of Hypolagus beremendensis is presented in comparison with five extant leporids (Lepus europaeus, Oryctolagus cuniculus, Pentalagus furnessi, Sylvilagus floridanus, and S. brasiliensis), which represent a wide range of locomotor adaptations. The UPGMA analysis of 98 metric characters places Hypolagus beremendensis next to the leporine rabbits. Hypolagus beremendensis has the os coxae, femur, and talus most similar to P. furnessi, tibia and calcaneus to the leporine rabbits, and the structure of foot to Lepus. The elongation of the foot and tibiofibular segment in relation to the femur indicates an advanced cursorial adaptation and a relatively steep jump. The similarities in the proximal segments (os coxae and femur) between Hypolagus and Pentalagus highlight the conservative morphology of this region in the Leporidae.
机译:Hypolagus beremendensis,古菌科的代表,是欧洲上新世的最丰富和分布最广泛的类脂体之一。来自波兰上新世遗址(Weze 1,Rebielice Krolewskie 1和2和Kadzielnia 1)的大量骨骼残留物产生了代表几乎所有骨骼区域的数千块骨骼。与五个现存的类脂体(Lepuseuropaeus,Cydellagus Cuniculus,Pentalagus furnessi,Sylvilagus floridanus和S.brasiliensis)比较,提出了贝氏Hy的后肢的详细形态,它们代表了广泛的运动适应性。 UPGMA分析法对98个公制字符进行了定位,将贝拉下颚蛇放在兔胆碱兔旁边。贝雷多氏猪脚的co蛇,股骨和距骨最类似于假单胞菌兔的弗氏假单胞菌,胫骨和跟骨,脚的结构类似于天兔。相对于股骨的脚和胫骨腓骨节段的伸长表明了先进的光标适应性和相对陡峭的跳跃。 Hypolagus和Pentalagus之间的近端节段(os coxae和股骨)的相似性突出了Leporidae中该区域的保守形态。



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