首页> 外文期刊>Acta parasitologica >On a new species of Cosmocerca (Nematoda: Cosmocercidae) from Microhyla rubra (Anura: Microhylidae) from West Bengal, India

On a new species of Cosmocerca (Nematoda: Cosmocercidae) from Microhyla rubra (Anura: Microhylidae) from West Bengal, India

机译:来自印度西孟加拉邦的Microhyla rubra(Anura:Microhylidae)的一种新的Cosmocerca(Nematoda:Cosmocercidae)

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Cosmocerca microhylae sp. nov., recovered from the rectum of a red narrow-mouthed frog, Microhyla rubra (Jerdon, 1854) (Anura: Microhylidae), collected from Bolpur in the Birbhum district of West Bengal, India, is described and figured. This species is similar to C. acanthurum, C. banyulensis, C. cruzi, C. japonica, C. kalesari, C. novaeguineae, C. ornata, C. paraguayensis, C. parva, C. podicipinus and C. travassosi in having 5 pairs of plectanes supporting preanal papillae but differs from these species by smaller size, absence of somatic papillae in females and having only one pair of adanal papillae in males and one pair postanal papillae in females. Cosmocerca microhylae sp. nov. represents 27th species assigned to the genus, and 4th species from India.
机译:Cosmocerca microhylae sp。 11月11日从印度西孟加拉邦Birbhum区的布尔布尔(Bolpur)采集的红色小口蛙的直肠(Microhyla rubra,Jerdon,1854年,安努拉:Microhylidae)的直肠中得到了描述和图示。该物种类似于刺五加,班尼乌拉克鲁尼,克鲁斯克鲁伊,日本粳,卡累萨里,新星鞘,新罗纳塔,巴拉圭隐叶梭菌,帕尔瓦奇球菌,角荚果梭菌和特拉瓦索西梭菌。 5对支持前肛门乳头的lect烷,但与这些物种不同,它们的体型更小,雌性中没有体细胞乳头,雄性中只有一对金黄色的乳头和雌性中只有一对肛门后的乳头。 Cosmocerca microhylae sp。十一月代表该属的第27种,印度的第4种。



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