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Fish remains, mostly otoliths, from the non-marine early Miocene of Otago, New Zealand


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Fish remains described from the early Miocene lacustrine Bannockburn Formation of Central Otago, New Zealand, consist of several thousand otoliths and one skeleton plus another disintegrated skull. One species, Mataichthys bictenatus Schwarzhans, Scofield, Tennyson, and T. Worthy gen. et sp. nov., an eleotrid, is established on a skeleton with otoliths in situ. The soft embedding rock and delicate, three-dimensionally preserved fish bones were studied by CT-scanning technology rather than physical preparation, except where needed to extract the otolith. Fourteen species of fishes are described, 12 new to science and two in open nomenclature, representing the families Galaxiidae (Galaxias angustiventris, G. bobmcdowalli, G. brevicauda, G. papilionis, G. parvirostris, G. tabidus), Retropinnidae (Prototroctes modestus, P. vertex), and Eleotridae (Mataichthys bictenatus, M. procerus, M. rhinoceros, M. taurinus). These findings prove that most of the current endemic New Zealand/southern Australia freshwater fish fauna was firmly established in New Zealand as early as 1916 Ma ago. Most fish species indicate the presence of large fishes, in some cases larger than Recent species of related taxa, for instance in the eleotrid genus Mataichthys when compared to the extant Gobiomorphus. The finding of a few otoliths from marine fishes corroborates the age determination of the Bannockburn Formation as the Altonian stage of the New Zealand marine Tertiary stratigraphy.
机译:新西兰中奥塔哥中新世早期湖相Bannockburn组描述的鱼类残骸由几千个耳石,一个骨骼和另一个分解的头骨组成。一种,Mataichthys bictenatus Schwarzhans,Scofield,Tennyson和T. Worthy gen。等。 nov。是一种线虫,建立在原位含耳石的骨架上。除了需要提取耳石的地方以外,通过CT扫描技术而不是物理准备,研究了软包埋的岩石和精细保存的三维三维鱼骨。描述了14种鱼类,其中12种是科学新鱼类,另外2种是开放式命名法,分别代表Galaxiidae(Galaxias angustiventris,G。bobmcdowalli,G。brevicauda,G。papilionis,G。parvirostris,G。tabidus),Retropinnidae(Prototroctesmodetus) ,P。顶点)和Eleotridae(Mataichthys bictenatus,M。procerus,M。rhinoceros,M。taurinus)。这些发现证明,目前流行的大多数新西兰/南澳大利亚淡水鱼类动物群早在1916年Ma之前就已在新西兰牢固地建立起来。大多数鱼类表明存在大型鱼类,在某些情况下,比相关分类单元的最新物种还大,例如,与现存的Gobiomorphus相比,在线虫属Mataichthys中。从海水鱼类中发现了一些耳石,这证实了作为新西兰海洋第三纪地层奥托期的班诺克本组年龄的确定。



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