首页> 外文期刊>AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology >Prevalence of Asymptomatic Middle Cranial Fossa Floor Pits and Encephaloceles on MR Imaging

Prevalence of Asymptomatic Middle Cranial Fossa Floor Pits and Encephaloceles on MR Imaging


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Temporal lobe encephaloceles are increasingly identified and treated as epileptogenic foci. However, there is relatively scant research on the prevalence of asymptomatic encephaloceles. This study set out to describe the frequency of incidental temporal lobe encephaloceles and middle cranial fossa pits. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review was completed of high-resolution (?0.5-mm section thickness) axial T2WI for internal auditory canal protocol imaging. The presence and laterality of middle cranial fossa pits (small bony defects containing CSF) and encephaloceles (brain parenchyma protrusion through osseous defects with or without bony remodeling) were recorded. Electronic medical records of patients with encephaloceles were searched for a history of seizure. RESULTS: A total of 203 patients were included in the final cohort; 106 (52.2%) women. Forty-five (22.2%) patients had middle cranial fossa pits: 14 (31.1%) unilateral on the right, 17 (37.8%) unilateral on the left, and 14 (31.1%) bilateral. Ten (5.0%) patients had ?1 encephalocele, none of whom had a documented history of seizure in the electronic medical record. No significant difference was noted in the frequency of pits or encephaloceles based on sex (P?=?.332 and P?=?.383, respectively) or age (P?=?.497 and P?=?.914, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Incidental middle cranial fossa pits are common findings, and their prevalence is not related to age or sex. Temporal lobe encephaloceles, though rarer, also exist occasionally among asymptomatic patients. Such findings have diagnostic implications for encephaloceles identified during imaging work-up for epilepsy.
机译:背景和目的:越来越多地鉴定颞叶脑骨髓,并视为癫痫灶。然而,对无症状脑硬质源的患病率存在​​相对较小的研究。本研究表明,描述了偶然颞叶脑骨骼和中部颅骨凹坑的频率。材料和方法:回顾性评论完成了高分辨率(?0.5mm厚度)轴向T2WI,用于内部听觉管协议成像。记录了中颅窝坑(含CSF的小骨缺陷)和脑膜骨折的存在和横向(脑畸形偏移通过骨质缺陷或没有骨缺陷)。搜查了脑电偶患者的电子医疗记录缉获的历史。结果:最终队列中共有203名患者; 106(52.2%)女性。四十五(22.2%)患者中颅窝凹陷:14(31.1%)单方面,左下17(37.8%)单侧,14(31.1%)双边。十(5.0%)患者有?1个脑电图,其中没有人在电子医疗记录中缉获的缉获史。在基于性别的坑或脑硬质区的频率下没有显着差异(p?=Δ.332和p?= 383分别)或年龄(p?= 497和p?= 914 )。结论:偶然的中颅窝坑是常见的发现,他们的患病率与年龄或性别无关。颞叶脑肌胶质胶质胶质胶囊偶尔也存在于无症状患者中。这些发现具有对癫痫成像处理期间鉴定的脑硬质胶质的诊断影响。



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