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No Wrong Doors: Findings from a Critical Review of Behavioral Randomized Clinical Trials for Individuals with Co-Occurring Alcohol/Drug Problems and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder


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Prior reviews of behavioral treatments for individuals with comorbid alcohol and drug use disorders (substance use disorder SUD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have not systematically considered whether comparison conditions are matched to target treatments on time and attention. A systematic literature search using PubMed MESH terms for alcohol and substance use disorders, PTSD, and treatment identified relevant behavioral randomized clinical trials (RCTs) that evaluated PTSD-oriented exposure-based treatments, addiction-focused treatments, and coping-based treatments that do not involve exposure to trauma memories. Information pertaining to within-subject changes over time and between-subject differences, quality of control condition, recruitment efficiency, and assessment and treatment retention was synthesized. Alcohol and drug outcomes were described separately when possible. Twenty-four behavioral RCTs were identified: 7 exposure based, 6 addiction focused, and 11 coping based. Seven studies included SUD intervention comparison conditions matched to the target intervention on time and attention. Most of the 24 studies found that participants in both the experimental and control conditions improved significantly over time on SUD and PTSD outcomes. No study found significant between-group differences in both SUD and PTSD outcomes favoring the experimental treatment. Despite greater treatment dropout, there was greater improvement in some PTSD outcomes for exposure-based interventions than the control conditions, including when the control conditions were matched for time and attention. Addiction-focused and coping-based interventions did not generally show an advantage over comparably robust controls, although some coping-based interventions yielded better drug use outcomes than control conditions. When available, interventions that integrate exposure-based PTSD treatment and behavioral SUD treatment are recommended as they are associated with better PTSD outcomes than SUD care matched for time and attention. However, the results of this critical review also suggest that people with SUD/PTSD can benefit from a variety of treatment options, including standard SUD care.
机译:在具有合并醇和药物使用障碍(物质使用障碍SUD)和错误后应激障碍(PTSD)的个体的前期评论尚未系统地考虑对比较条件是否与目标治疗相匹配。系统文献搜索使用PubMed网格用于酒精和物质使用障碍,PTSD和治疗鉴定了评估了可应诊导向的曝光的治疗,成瘾的治疗和应对的治疗方法的相关行为随机临床试验(RCT)的相关行为随机临床试验(RCT)不涉及暴露于创伤记忆。随着时间的推移,对受试者内部改变的信息以及对象差异,控制条件质量,招生效率和评估和治疗保留。尽可能单独描述酒精和药物结果。鉴定了二十四个行为RCT:7个曝光,6个成瘾聚焦,并基于11个应对。七项研究包括泡沫干预比较条件与目标干预的时间和注意力匹配。 24项研究中的大多数人发现,在苏打水和应激障碍的结果时,实验和控制病症的参与者随着时间的推移而显着改善。尚未研究发现苏打和前期代表结果的组差异显着,有利于实验治疗。尽管有更大的治疗辍学,但一些基于暴露的干预措施的PTSD结果越来越好,而不是对照条件,包括当控制条件符合时间和注意力时。尽管基于某种应对的干预措施,但基于成瘾和基于应对的基于应对的干预措施并不呈现出比较稳健的对照。当可用时,建议使用基于暴露的PTSD治疗和行为泡沫治疗的干预,因为它们与更好的PTSD成果相关,而不是达到时间和注意力。然而,这次批判性评论的结果还表明,泡沫/应激障碍的人们可以从各种治疗方案中受益,包括标准泡沫。



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