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The Jurassic pleurotomarioidean gastropod Laevitomaria and its palaeobiogeographical history


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The genus Laevitomaria is reviewed and its palaeobiogeographical history is reconstructed based on the re-examination of its type species L. problematica, the study of material stored at the National Natural History Museum of Luxembourg, and an extensive review of the literature. The systematic study allows ascribing to Laevitomaria a number of Jurassic species from the western European region formerly included in other pleurotomariid genera. The following new combinations are proposed: Laevitomaria allionta, L. amyntas, L. angulba, L. asurai, L. daityai, L. fasciata, L. gyroplata, L. isarensis, L. joannis, L. repeliniana, L. stoddarti, L. subplatyspira, and L. zonata. The genus, which was once considered as endemic of the central part of the western Tethys, shows an evolutionary and palaeogeographical history considerably more complex than previously assumed. It first appeared in the Late Sinemurian in the northern belt of the central western Tethys involved in the Neotethyan rifting, where it experienced a first radiation followed by an abrupt decline of diversity in the Toarcian. Species diversity increased again during Toarcian-Aalenian times in the southernmost part of western European shelf and a major radiation occurred during the Middle Aalenian to Early Bajocian in the northern Paris Basin and southern England. After a latest Bajocian collapse of diversity, Laevitomaria disappeared from both the central part of western Tethys and the European shelf. In the Bathonian, the genus appeared in the south-eastern margin of the Tethys where it lasted until the Oxfordian.
机译:复习了Laevitomaria属,并根据其种L. issueatica的重新检查,对卢森堡国家自然历史博物馆存储的材料的研究以及对文献的广泛审查,重建了其古生物地理历史。这项系统的研究使原产于其他胸膜肺炎属的西欧地区的侏罗纪物种归因于兽疫病。提出以下新的组合:Laevitomaria allionta,L。amyntas,L。angulba,L。asurai,L。daityai,L。fasciata,L。gyroplata,L。isarensis,L。joannis,L。repeliniana,L。stoddarti, L. subplatyspira和L. zonata。该属曾经被认为是特提斯西部中部地区的特有种,显示出一个进化和古地理历史,其历史要比以前设想的复杂得多。它最初出现在特提斯中部西部裂谷所涉及的新特提斯裂谷的北部西尼穆尔晚期,在那里经历了第一次辐射,然后在Toarcian地区多样性急剧下降。在西欧大陆架最南端的Toarcian-Aalenian时期,物种多样性再次增加,并且在巴黎盆地北部和英格兰南部的中Aalenian至Bajocian早期发生了主要的辐射。在巴约西亚人最近一次多样性崩溃之后,Laevitomaria从西特提斯的中部和欧洲大陆架消失了。在巴东人中,该属出现在特提斯的东南边缘,一直持续到牛津。



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