首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Animal Biosciences >Modelling the impact of climate change on the yield of western European reseeded grasslands

Modelling the impact of climate change on the yield of western European reseeded grasslands


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Climate change will affect the yield of grasslands, with consequences for grazing and silage production. It is necessary to anticipate this impact to determine what grassland and system management changes are appropriate.Western Europe (here defined as areas with an Atlantic climate, ranging from northern Portugal to southern Norway) will undergo significant changes in the coming decades (Kovats et al., 2014). By 2100, mean annual temperatures are expected to increase by1.5 - 5°C, rainfall could increase or decrease by up to 20% (depending on location) (IPCC, 2013) and there will be a continuing rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. This study aims to quantify the impact of these changes on grasslands using two different modelling approaches. The first is a dynamic model, Century (Parton et al., 1987), which is an ecosystem analysis tool which simulates carbon and nitrogen fluxes throughout the plant-soil system. The second is an empirical approach using linear regression. The use of two approaches provides stronger evidence for the results (if they agree) or else highlights issues with the methodologies which can be explored further (if they differ).
机译:气候变化将影响草原的产量,具有放牧和青贮生产的后果。有必要预测这种影响,以确定草地和系统管理的变化是合适的。欧洲(这里定义为具有大西洋气候的地区,从挪威南部到北部葡萄牙)将在未来几十年进行重大变化(Kovats等人。,2014)。到2100,平均年度温度预计将增加1.5 - 5°C,降雨量可以增加或减少高达20%(取决于位置)(IPCC,2013),大气二氧化碳浓度将存在持续的升高。本研究旨在使用两种不同的建模方法量化这些变化对草地的影响。第一个是一个动态模型,世纪(Parton等,1987),它是一种生态系统分析工具,用于模拟整个植物土系统的碳和氮气通量。第二个是使用线性回归的经验方法。使用两种方法提供了更强大的证据(如果他们同意),或者突出可能会进一步探索的方法(如果它们不同)。



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