首页> 外文期刊>Advances in computational mathematics >A unified analysis of a class of quadratic finite volume element schemes on triangular meshes

A unified analysis of a class of quadratic finite volume element schemes on triangular meshes


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This paper presents a general framework for the coercivity analysis of a class of quadratic finite volume element (FVE) schemes on triangular meshes for solving elliptic boundary value problems. This class of schemes covers all the existing quadratic schemes of Lagrange type. With the help of a new mapping from the trial function space to the test function space, we find that each element matrix can be decomposed into three parts: the first part is the element stiffness matrix of the standard quadratic finite element method (FEM), the second part is the difference between the FVE and FEM on the element boundary, while the third part can be expressed as the tensor product of two vectors. Thanks to this decomposition, we obtain a sufficient condition to guarantee the existence, uniqueness, and coercivity result of the FVE solution on triangular meshes. Moreover, based on this sufficient condition, some minimum angle conditions with simple, analytic, and computable expressions can be derived and they depend only on the constructive parameters of the schemes. As a byproduct, some existing coercivity results are improved. Finally, an optimalH(1)error estimate is proved by the standard techniques.



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