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The Value of Intelligent Multimedia Application in Applied Linguistics Instruction


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One of the most enduring concerns among academic educators is the enhancement of students’ academic performance and consequently the improvement of the effective teaching and learning methods. Based on the analyses of our bachelor students’ focus group learning style preferences,which were detected by the means of Index of Learning Styles, we implemented various multimedia applications into the instruction of professional English language. The applications were uploaded into the Blackboard LMS and became inevitable part of the online course instruction. As the acquiredresults proved our students to be mostly sensing and visual, one of the programs enabling visualisation was implemented into the educational process, alongside with relevant educational principles, which have been developed in the course of many years.
机译:学术教育工作者中最受持久的疑虑之一是提高学生的学业成绩,从而改善有效的教学和学习方法。 根据我们的学士学生焦点集团学习风格偏好的分析,通过学习方式指数检测,我们将各种多媒体应用实施成为专业英语的指导。 将应用程序上传到黑板LMS中,并成为在线课程指令的不可避免的部分。 由于获得的学生大多是感应和视觉的,因此,能够实现可视化的一项计划,并与相关的教育原则一起实施,这些原则在多年的过程中已经发展。



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