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DNA damage and repair in lymphocytes of normal individuals and cancer patients: studies by the comet assay and micronucleus tests


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A population study is reported in which the DNA damage induced by γ-radiation (2 Gy) and the kinetics of the subsequent repair were estimated by the comet and micronucleus assays in isolated lymphocytes of 82 healthy donors and patients with head and neck cancer before radiotherapy. The parameters of background and radiation-induced DNA damage, rate of repair, and residual non-repaired damage were measured by comet assay, and the repair kinetics for every donor were computer-fitted to an exponential curve. The level of background DNA damage before irradiation measured by comet assay as well as the level of micronuclei were significantly higher in the head and neck cancer patient group than in the healthy donors, while the parameters of repair were widely scattered in both groups. Cancer patient group contained significantly more individuals, whose irradiated lymphocytes showed high DNA damage, low repair rate and high non-repaired DNA damage level. Lymphocytes of donors belonging to this subgroup showed significantly lower inhibition of cell cycle after irradiation.
机译:据报道,一项人群研究表明,通过彗星和微核试验,对82位健康供体和头颈癌患者放疗前的淋巴细胞进行了彗星和微核分析,估算了由γ射线(2 Gy)诱导的DNA损伤及其后续修复的动力学。 。通过彗星测定法测量背景和辐射诱导的DNA损伤,修复率和残留的未修复损伤的参数,并将每个供体的修复动力学计算机拟合到指数曲线。头颈部癌患者组通过彗星试验测定的辐射前背景DNA损伤水平和微核水平显着高于健康供体,而修复参数在两组中均较分散。癌症患者组包含明显更多的个体,其照射的淋巴细胞显示出高的DNA损伤,低的修复率和高的未修复DNA损伤水平。属于该亚组的供体的淋巴细胞在辐照后显示出对细胞周期的抑制作用明显降低。



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