首页> 外文期刊>Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica: Official Publication of the Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik och Gynekologi >Interventions for the prevention of pain associated with the placement of intrauterine contraceptives: An updated review

Interventions for the prevention of pain associated with the placement of intrauterine contraceptives: An updated review


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Abstract A 2013 review found no evidence to support the routine use of pain relief for intrauterine contraceptive ( IUC ) placement; however, fear of pain with placement continues to be a barrier to use for some women. This narrative review set out to identify (1) new evidence that may support routine use of pain management strategies for IUC placement; (2) procedure‐related approaches that may have a positive impact on the pain experience; and (3) factors that may help healthcare professionals identify women at increased risk of pain with IUC placement. A literature search of the PubMed and Cochrane library databases revealed 550 citations, from which we identified 43 new and pertinent studies for review. Thirteen randomized clinical trials, published since 2012, described reductions in placement‐related pain with administration of oral and local analgesia (oral ketorolac, local analgesia with different lidocaine formulations) and cervical priming when compared with placebo or controls. Four studies suggested that ultrasound guidance, balloon dilation, and a modified placement device may help to minimize the pain experienced with IUC placement. Eight publications suggested that previous cesarean delivery, timing of insertion relative to menstruation, dysmenorrhea, expected pain, baseline anxiety, and size of insertion tube may affect the pain experienced with IUC placement. Oral and local analgesia and cervical priming can be effective in minimizing IUC placement‐related pain when compared with placebo, but routine use remains subject for debate. Predictive factors may help healthcare professionals to identify women at risk of experiencing pain. Targeted use of effective strategies in these women may be a useful approach while research continues in this area.
机译:摘要2013年审查发现没有证据证明常规使用静脉内避孕药(IUC)安置的痛苦救济;然而,害怕放置疼痛仍然是一些女性使用的障碍。该叙述审查设定了识别(1)可能支持常规使用IUC SIMINT的常规使用常规使用的新证据; (2)可能对疼痛经验产生积极影响的程序相关方法; (3)可能有助于医疗保健专业人员识别患有因IUC安置的痛苦风险增加的因素。 PubMed和Cochrane图书馆数据库的文献搜索揭示了550个引文,从中确定了43个新的和相关的审查研究。自2012年以来发表的十三次随机临床试验,用口腔和局部镇痛(口腔Ketorolac,局部镇痛,不同利多卡因配方的口腔酮咯酸,局部镇痛)和宫颈灌注进行了与局部镇痛的减少。四项研究表明,超声引导,球囊扩张和改进的放置装置可以有助于最小化IUC放置所经历的疼痛。八种出版物表明,先前的剖宫产,插入相对于月经,痛经,预期的疼痛,基线焦虑和插入管的尺寸可能会影响因IUC展示而经历的疼痛。与安慰剂相比,口服和局部镇痛和宫颈引发可以有效地使IUC放置相关的疼痛最小化,但常规使用仍然进行辩论。预测因素可能有助于医疗保健专业人员识别受到体验疼痛的风险的妇女。有针对性地利用这些妇女的有效策略可能是一种有用的方法,而研究则在这一领域继续进行。



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