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PICSEL: measuring user-perceived performance to control dynamic frequency scaling


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The ultimate goal of a computer system is to satisfy its users. The success of architectural or system-level optimizations depends largely on having accurate metrics for user satisfaction. We propose to derive such metrics from information that is "close to flesh" and apparent to the user rather than from information that is "close to metal" and hidden from the user. We describe and evaluate PICSEL, a dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) technique that uses measurements of variations in the rate of change of a computer's video output to estimate user-perceived performance. Our adaptive algorithms, one conservative and one aggressive, use these estimates to dramatically reduce operating frequencies and voltages for graphically-intensive applications while maintaining performance at a satisfactory level for the user. We evaluate PICSEL through user studies conducted on a Pentium M laptop running Windows XP. Experiments performed with 20 users executing three applications indicate that the measured laptop power can be reduced by up to 12.1%, averaged across all of our users and applications, compared to the default Windows XP DVFS policy. User studies revealed that the difference in overall user satisfaction between the more aggressive version of PICSEL and Windows DVFS were statistically insignificant, whereas the conservative version of PICSEL actually improved user satisfaction when compared to Windows DVFS.
机译:计算机系统的最终目标是满足其用户。建筑或系统级优化的成功主要取决于具有用户满意度的准确度量。我们建议从“接近肉体”的信息中派生此类指标,并且对于用户而言,而不是从“靠近金属”并隐藏用户的信息。我们描述并评估PICEEL,动态电压和频率缩放(DVFS)技术,该技术使用计算机视频输出的变化速率测量来估计用户感知性能。我们的自适应算法,一个保守和一个激进的,使用这些估计来大大降低图形密集型应用的操作频率和电压,同时保持对用户令人满意的性能。我们通过在Pentium M笔记本电脑运行Windows XP上进行的用户学习评估PICEEL。执行三个应用程序的20个用户执行的实验表明,与默认的Windows XP DVFS策略相比,测量的笔记本电源可以减少高达12.1%,在所有用户和应用程序中平均。用户研究表明,与Windows DVF相比,PICEL和Windows DVFS更积极的PICEL和Windows DVF之间的整体用户满意度之间的差异在统计上微不足道。



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