首页> 外文期刊>Acta Mechanica >Dynamics of towed large space debris taking into account atmospheric disturbance

Dynamics of towed large space debris taking into account atmospheric disturbance


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The problem of deorbiting large space debris (SLD) by means of a tethered space tug is considered. Amathematical model that describes the plane motion of the system is developed. Themodel takes into account the effects of the atmosphere and the rotary motion of the SLD around the SLD center of mass. The effects of the moment of tension force, gravitational moment, and pitch moment on the SLD behavior are studied. The evolution of the phase space of an angle of attack during the SLD descent is considered. Singular points are found for special cases of motion. It is shown that the effect of the atmosphere on the SLD dynamics can be neglected above an altitude of 300 km. The situation that a tether becomes slack is observed. In this case, the SLD can oscillate with increasing amplitude and even pass into rotation. This is a dangerous situation that can lead to tether rupture. A method of thrust control that provides tension in the tether during the SLD deorbiting is presented. A slack tether is also observed at atmospheric entry. This phenomenon is caused by the difference in drag forces that act on the SLD and on the space tug. The obtained results can be used in the preparation of missions of space debris deorbiting.
机译:考虑了通过系留空间拖船使大空间碎片(SLD)脱离轨道的问题。建立了描述系统平面运动的数学模型。该模型考虑了大气的影响以及SLD围绕SLD重心的旋转运动。研究了拉力力矩,重力力矩和俯仰力矩对SLD行为的影响。考虑了SLD下降期间攻角的相空间的演变。发现特殊运动点的奇异点。结果表明,在300 km的高度以上,可以忽略大气对SLD动态的影响。观察到系绳松弛的情况。在这种情况下,SLD的振幅可能会增大,甚至会旋转。这是一种危险情况,可能导致系链断裂。提出了一种推力控制方法,该方法可在SLD脱轨过程中在系链中提供张力。在大气入口处也观察到松弛的系绳。此现象是由作用在SLD和空间拖船上的拉力差异引起的。获得的结果可用于准备空间碎片脱轨任务。



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