首页> 外文期刊>Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges >To stay or not to stay? a grounded theory study of residents' postcall behaviors and their rationalizations for those behaviors

To stay or not to stay? a grounded theory study of residents' postcall behaviors and their rationalizations for those behaviors

机译:留下或不留下来? 居民后期行为的基础理论研究及其对这些行为的合理化

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PURPOSE: Although policies to restrict residents' duty hours are pervasive, resident adherence to restricted duty hours has proved challenging. The authors sought to describe residents' postcall behaviors and understand the dominant rationalizations underpinning their decisions to stay or not to stay after a 24-hour shift. METHOD: Using constructivist grounded theory methodology, the authors conducted semistructured interviews with 24 residents across six surgical and nonsurgical specialty programs at one Canadian institution during 2012. They analyzed transcripts iteratively using a constant comparative method of identifying and refining key themes as the data set accrued, and theoretically sampling until theme saturation. RESULTS: Abiding by cultural norms was the dominant rationalization for both choosing to continue to work postcall or to go home. Cutting across this dominant theme were three subcategories (infrastructure, invoking values, and negotiating tension) with a pattern of residents invoking similar values of patient safety and education regardless of the cultural norms of their program, the infrastructure within which they worked, or the tensions they were navigating. CONCLUSIONS: Although central to residents' rationalizations, values appear to be versatile, amenable to multiple, even conflicting, applications. Residents perceived that they were upholding the values of patient safety and education regardless of which postcall behavior they chose - staying or going. Based on this, for duty hours reform initiatives to be successful, a shift to emphasizing organizational changes will be required to reduce the circumstances in which postcall behavior is an individual, values-based decision.
机译:目的:虽然限制居民的税率的政策是普遍存在的,但居民遵守限制税率的依据已经证明有挑战性。作者试图描述居民的后关卡行为,了解支撑其留下的主导合理化,以便在24小时轮班后留下。方法:使用建构主义接地理论方法,作者在2012年期间在一台加拿大机构的六个外科和非技术专业节目中进行了半系统对24个居民的访谈。他们使用持续的比较方法来分析成绩单,以识别和改进关键主题作为累计的数据集,理论上采样直到主题饱和度。结果:遵守文化规范是选择继续工作后或回家的主导合理化。削减这一主导主题是三个子类别(基础设施,调用价值和谈判张力),居民的模式,无论其计划的文化规范,他们工作的基础设施还是紧张局势他们正在导航。结论:虽然居民的合理化的核心,但值似乎是多么通用的,适用于多个,甚至相互冲突的应用。居民认为他们是坚持患者安全和教育的价值,无论他们选择的所有权行为如何 - 留下或去。基于这一点,为了占空比改革举措取得成功,将需要转变为强调组织变化的转变,以减少后关卡行为是个人价值观的规定。



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