首页> 外文期刊>Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica: Official Publication of the Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik och Gynekologi >Predictive value of ultrasound assessed fetal head position in primiparous women with prolonged first stage of labor

Predictive value of ultrasound assessed fetal head position in primiparous women with prolonged first stage of labor


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Objective. To examine how well ultrasound-assessed occipitoposterior (OP) position or high sagittal (HS) position in primiparous women with a prolonged first stage of labor predicts a vaginal delivery and the duration of labor. Design. Prospective observational study. Setting. Stavanger University Hospital, a secondary referral center in Norway. Population. 105 primiparous women with prolonged first stage of labor. Methods. Ultrasound assessment of fetal head position. Main outcome measures. Vaginal delivery vs. cesarean section and duration of labor. Results. Twenty-five fetuses (24%) were delivered with cesarean section (CS), 45 (43%) had an operative vaginal delivery and 35 (33%) delivered spontaneously. Eleven (27%) of 41 fetuses in OP position at the time of inclusion were born in OP position. Ten (24%) of the 41 fetuses in OP position at inclusion were delivered with CS compared with 15/64 (23%) fetuses in other positions (p= 0.91). Twenty-eight fetuses were in sagittal position and 12 in HS position, assessed with ultrasound at the time of diagnosed prolonged labor. Seven (58%) of 12 in HS position delivered vaginally and five (42%) had a CS (p= 0.89). Time from inclusion to labor was not significant longer either for fetuses in OP compared with non-OP positions or for fetuses in HS compared with non-HS positions. Conclusions. Most fetuses in OP or HS positions in the first stage of labor will rotate spontaneously and have a high probability of being delivered vaginally.
机译:目的。要检查在分娩第一阶段较长的初产妇女中超声评估的枕后位(OP)或矢状位(HS)的位置如何预测阴道分娩和分娩时间。设计。前瞻性观察研究。设置。斯塔万格大学医院,挪威的二级转诊中心。人口。 105名初产妇女具有较长的第一产程。方法。胎儿头位置的超声评估。主要观察指标。阴道分娩与剖宫产及分娩时间的关系。结果。剖宫产(CS)分娩的胎儿为25例(24%),阴道手术分娩的胎儿为45(43%),自然分娩的胎儿为35(33%)。纳入时有41名处于OP位置的胎儿中有11名(27%)出生于OP位置。包含OP的41位胎儿中有10位(24%)通过CS进行分娩,而其他位置的15/64位(23%)胎儿(p = 0.91)。在诊断为延长分娩时,用超声评估了28例胎儿处于矢状位,12例处于HS病位。 HS位置的12位中有7位(58%)阴道分娩,CS位有5位(42%)(p = 0.89)。从入院到分娩的时间对于非OP的胎儿与非OP的胎儿或HS的胎儿与非HS的胎儿相比均不显着。结论分娩第一阶段中处于OP或HS位置的大多数胎儿会自发旋转,并且极有可能通过阴道分娩。



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