首页> 外文期刊>Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica: Official Publication of the Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik och Gynekologi >Teenage pregnancies in the European Union in the context of legislation and youth sexual and reproductive health services

Teenage pregnancies in the European Union in the context of legislation and youth sexual and reproductive health services


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Objective To study cross-country and regional variations and trends in reported teenage pregnancies in the context of legislation and youth sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services in Europe. Design Data were collected on teenage live births and induced abortions, abortion legislation and youth SRH services. Setting Population-based statistics from the European Union (EU) member states. Population Fifteen-to nineteen-year-old female teenagers. Methods Detailed statistical information for each member state about teenage live births, induced abortions, abortion legislation and youth SRH services were compiled relying on national and international data sources. Main outcome measures The annual reported pregnancies per 1000 women aged 15-19 years. Results Teenage pregnancy rates have declined since 2001, although progress has been uneven across regions and countries. Eastern Europe has a higher average teenage pregnancy rate (41.7/1000) than Northern (30.7/1000), Western (18.2/1000) and Southern Europe (17.6/1000). While data on teenage live births are available across Europe, data on teenage abortions are unavailable or incomplete in more than one-third of EU countries. Reported teenage pregnancy rates are generally lower for countries where parental consent for abortion is not required, youth SRH services are available in all areas and contraceptives are subsidized for all minors, compared with countries where these conditions are not met. Conclusions The collection of standardized teenage pregnancy statistics is critically needed in the EU. The remarkable variability in teenage pregnancy rates across the EU is likely to be explained, among other factors, by varying access to abortion and youth SRH services.
机译:目的研究在立法和欧洲青年性健康和生殖健康(SRH)服务的背景下,报告的青少年怀孕的跨国和地区差异及趋势。收集了有关青少年活产和人工流产,流产立法和青年性生殖健康服务的设计数据。设置来自欧盟(EU)成员国的基于人口的统计信息。人口15至19岁的女性青少年。方法根据国家和国际数据来源,为每个成员国提供有关青少年活产,人工流产,堕胎立法和青年SRH服务的详细统计信息。主要结果指标每年报告的每1000名15-19岁妇女的怀孕情况。结果自2001年以来,少女怀孕率有所下降,尽管各个地区和国家的进步都不平衡。东欧的平均青少年怀孕率(41.7 / 1000)比北欧(30.7 / 1000),西方(18.2 / 1000)和南欧(17.6 / 1000)高。尽管整个欧洲都有关于青少年活产婴儿的数据,但是在超过三分之一的欧盟国家中,没有关于青少年堕胎的数据或数据不完整。与那些没有满足这些条件的国家相比,不需要父母同意堕胎,在所有地区都可获得青年性生殖健康服务以及为所有未成年人提供避孕药具的国家的报告的少女怀孕率通常较低。结论欧盟急需收集标准化的少女怀孕统计数据。除其他因素外,整个欧洲青少年怀孕率的显着差异可能是由于堕胎和青年性健康和生殖健康服务的获取途径不同而引起的。



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