首页> 外文期刊>Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves >Ignition and Combustion of Condensed Systems with Energy Fillers

Ignition and Combustion of Condensed Systems with Energy Fillers


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This paper describes the results of an experimental study of ignition and combustion of condensed systems, containing energy fillers, i.e., powders of aluminum, boron, aluminum borides, and titanium. Compositions on a hydrocarbon or active fuel binder with a combined oxidizer (ammonium perchlorate and/or ammonium nitrate) are considered. Thermodynamic estimates for the ballistic characteristics of the compositions under study are given. It is shown that a unit pulse increases by 3.5% with the replacement of aluminum by boron in the compositions considered. It is experimentally determined that the time delay of ignition of boron-containing compositions decreases in conductive and radiant heat transfer and that the stationary burning rate of boron and aluminum boride containing compositions increases. The efficiency of the impact of energy fillers on the characteristics of condensed systems as a function of the composition of a combined oxidizer is determined.
机译:本文介绍了含有能量填料,即铝,硼,硼化铝和钛的浓缩系统的点火和燃烧的试验和燃烧的实验研究结果。 考虑烃类或活性燃料粘合剂的组合物,具有组合氧化剂(高氯酸铵和/或硝酸铵)。 给出了研究中的组合物的弹道特性的热力学估计。 结果表明,在考虑的组合物中,通过硼更换铝,单位脉冲增加了3.5%。 实验确定含硼组合物点火的时间延迟在导电和辐射传热中降低,并且硼的固定燃烧速率和含铝硼化物的组合物的增加增加。 确定能量填料对作为组合氧化剂组成的函数的冷凝系统特性的效率。



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