首页> 外文期刊>Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica: Official Publication of the Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik och Gynekologi >Evidence for impaired physiological decrease in the uteroplacental vascular resistance in pregnant women with familial hypercholesterolemia.

Evidence for impaired physiological decrease in the uteroplacental vascular resistance in pregnant women with familial hypercholesterolemia.


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Abnormal hyperlipidemia characterizes pregnancy in familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), and is associated with vascular dysfunction. Hence, we compared blood flow in the feto- and uteroplacental circulation in FH and healthy reference women using Doppler velocimetry. The umbilical artery pulsatility index (PI) at gestational weeks 24 and 36, and the concomitant physiological decrease in PI, was similar in FH (n=10) and the reference group (n=143). The decrease in mean PI of both uterine arteries from week 24 to 36 was significant in the reference group, but not among the FH women. Plasma LDL-cholesterol measured between weeks 24 and 36 was not correlated with the decrease in umbilical PI in the FH group, or with the decrease in umbilical or mean uterine PI in the reference group. We conclude that pregnancy in FH might be associated with attenuated physiological decrease in mean PI of uterine arteries, possibly reflecting increased uteroplacental vascular resistance unrelated to plasma LDL-cholesterol levels.
机译:高脂血症异常是家族性高胆固醇血症(FH)的妊娠特征,并与血管功能障碍有关。因此,我们使用多普勒测速仪比较了FH和健康参考妇女的胎儿和子宫胎盘循环中的血流量。妊娠第24周和第36周的脐动脉搏动指数(PI)以及伴随的PI生理下降在FH(n = 10)和参考组(n = 143)中相似。在参考组中,两个子宫动脉的平均PI从24周降低到36周是显着的,但在FH女性中则没有。在FH组中,在第24周到第36周之间测得的血浆LDL-胆固醇与脐带PI的降低或参考组中脐带PI或平均子宫PI的降低无关。我们得出的结论是,FH的妊娠可能与子宫动脉平均PI的减弱生理降低有关,可能反映了与血浆LDL-胆固醇水平无关的子宫胎盘血管阻力增加。



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