首页> 外文期刊>Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica: Official Publication of the Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik och Gynekologi >The impact of vitamin D in pregnancy on extraskeletal health in children: A systematic review

The impact of vitamin D in pregnancy on extraskeletal health in children: A systematic review


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The impact of maternal vitamin D status in pregnancy on the extraskeletal health of the offspring has become a "hot topic" with a potential for cost-beneficial prevention. The objective of this study was to systematically review the level I and II evidence. PubMed, Embase and Cochrane databases were searched using the MeSH terms "vitamin D" AND "pregnancy" until 1 January 2012. The search was limited to randomized controlled trials (evidence level I) and observational studies (evidence level II) in humans and in the English language. Papers reporting on vitamin D supplementation in combination with other supplements, or not reporting on 25OHD or outcomes of the offspring were excluded. Six randomized controlled trials and 24 observational studies were finally included. In randomized controlled studies, vitamin D supplementation resulted in increased birthweight in one study, but showed no effect in five other studies. In cohort and case-control studies, higher vitamin D intake, or higher 25OHD, was associated with increased birthweight in large studies only, and modified by vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and by race (U-shaped in Caucasians in one unconfirmed study). The risks of HIV mother-to-child transmission, rhinitis symptoms and eczema were lower. Data were conflicting on the effect on respiratory infections and wheezing, whereas U-shaped associations to inhalant allergen-specific IgE at five years and to schizophrenia were reported in unconfirmed studies. The risk of type 1 diabetes at 15 years was lower or unchanged. It is concluded that observational studies suggest an effect of vitamin D on several outcomes. U-Shaped associations warrant caution.
机译:孕妇孕期维生素D状况对后代骨骼外健康的影响已成为一个“热门话题”,具有预防成本效益的潜力。这项研究的目的是系统地审查I级和II级证据。直到2012年1月1日为止,使用MeSH术语“维生素D”和“妊娠”搜索PubMed,Embase和Cochrane数据库。搜索仅限于在人和人中进行的随机对照试验(证据水平I)和观察性研究(证据水平II)。英语这门语言。排除了报告维生素D与其他补充剂联合使用或未报告25OHD或后代结果的论文。最终包括6项随机对照试验和24项观察性研究。在一项随机对照研究中,补充维生素D导致一项研究中的出生体重增加,但在其他五项研究中未显示任何影响。在队列研究和病例对照研究中,仅在大型研究中,较高的维生素D摄入量或较高的25OHD与出生体重增加相关,并被维生素D受体多态性和种族所改变(在一项未经证实的研究中,白种人为U型)。 HIV母婴传播,鼻炎症状和湿疹的风险较低。数据对呼吸道感染和喘息的影响存在矛盾,而未经证实的研究报道了五年前与吸入性过敏原特异性IgE和精神分裂症呈U型联系。 15岁时患1型糖尿病的风险较低或保持不变。结论是观察研究表明维生素D对几种结局有影响。 U型协会值得谨慎。



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