首页> 外文期刊>Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica: Official Publication of the Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik och Gynekologi >Why are some ectopic pregnancies characterized as pregnancies of unknown location at the initial transvaginal ultrasound examination?

Why are some ectopic pregnancies characterized as pregnancies of unknown location at the initial transvaginal ultrasound examination?


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the appearance and behavior of ectopic pregnancies (EPs) initially classified as pregnancies of unknown location (PULs) to those visualized on the initial transvaginal ultrasound scan (TVS). METHODS: An observational study over a four-year period on women undergoing a TVS prior to diagnosis of a tubal EP. Demographic details, presenting symptoms, TVS findings, serum hCG and progesterone levels were recorded at the time of the initial TVS and at the time of diagnosis of the EP in those initially classified as a PUL. RESULTS: 411 women with a tubal EP underwent a TVS prior to treatment. In 85.9% (353/411) the EP was visualized on the initial TVS while 14.1%(58/411) were initially classified as PULs. Those initially classified as PULs had significantly lower mean gestational age and mean initial human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) levels, and significantly higher mean progesterone level at presentation than those where the EP was visualized on the initial TVS. Of those with a PUL, 60.3% (35/58) had the EP subsequently visualized on TVS. At the time of diagnosis these EPs were significantly smaller (p<0.0001); the appearance of the EPs, serum hCG and progesterone levels at the time of visualization on TVS were not significantly different from those visualized on the initial TVS. CONCLUSION: In women with EPs who are initially classified as PULs, failure of visualization of the EP on the initial TVS is likely to be due to the fact that they are too small and probably too early in the disease process.
机译:目的:比较最初分类为未知位置的妊娠(PUL)和经阴道超声扫描(TVS)可视化的异位妊娠(EP)的外观和行为。方法:一项为期四年的观察性研究,对女性在诊断输卵管EP之前接受TVS的研究。在最初被分类为PUL的人群中,在初始TVS时和EP诊断时记录了人口统计学细节,表现症状,TVS发现,血清hCG和孕酮水平。结果:411名输卵管EP的妇女在治疗前接受了TVS。在最初的TVS中,有85.9%(353/411)的EP可视化,而最初将14.1%(58/411)归类为PUL。那些最初被归类为PULs的人,其平均胎龄和平均初始人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)水平要低得多,并且在呈现时的平均孕酮水平要比在初始TVS上看到EP的人明显更高。患有PUL的患者中,有60.3%(35/58)的EP随后在TVS上可视化。在诊断时,这些EP明显更小(p <0.0001)。在TVS上进行可视化时,EP的出现,血清hCG和孕酮水平与在初始TVS上进行可视化时没有显着差异。结论:在最初被归类为PUL的EP的女性中,在最初的TVS中EP的可视化失败很可能是由于它们太小并且可能在疾病过程中太早这一事实。



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