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Ransomware detection and mitigation using software-defined networking: The case of WannaCry


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Modern day ransomware families implement sophisticated encryption and propagation schemes, thus limiting chances to recover the data almost to zero. We investigate the use of software-defined networking (SDN) to detect and mitigate advanced ransomware threat. We present our ransomware analysis results and our developed SDN-based security framework. For the proof of concept, the infamous WannaCry ransomware was used. Based on the obtained results, we design an SDN detection and mitigation framework and develop a solution based on OpenFlow. The developed solution detects suspicious activities through network traffic monitoring and blocks infected hosts by adding flow table entries into OpenFlow switches in a real-time manner. Finally, our experiments with multiple samples of WannaCry show that the developed mechanism in all cases is able to promptly detect the infected machines and prevent WannaCry from spreading. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:现代日赎金软件系列实现复杂的加密和传播方案,从而限制了恢复数据几乎零的机会。 我们调查使用软件定义的网络(SDN)来检测和缓解高级勒索软件威胁。 我们介绍了我们的赎金软件分析结果,并开发了基于SDN的安全框架。 对于概念证明,使用了臭名昭着的Wandacry ransomware。 根据所获得的结果,我们设计SDN检测和缓解框架,并基于OpenFlow开发解决方案。 开发的解决方案通过网络流量监控来检测可疑活动,并通过以实时方式将流表条目添加到OpenFlow交换机中来阻止受感染的主机。 最后,我们具有多个vannacry样本的实验表明,所有情况下发达的机制都能够迅速检测受感染的机器并防止凡乘蔓延。 (c)2019年elestvier有限公司保留所有权利。



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