首页> 外文期刊>Communications in Theoretical Physics >Extended Phase Space in the Framework of Holography

Extended Phase Space in the Framework of Holography


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We consider a holographic extended phase space in the presence of Reissner-Nordstrom-Anti-de Sitter (RN-AdS) and Born-Infeld-Anti-de Sitter (BI-AdS) black holes in the bulk. In this extended phase space the cosmological constant is investigated as pressure and volume is defined as the codimension one-time slice in the bulk geometry enclosed by the minimal area appearing in the computation of the holographic entanglement entropy. These thermodynamics quantities can serve as probes of the underlying phase transition dictated by black hole thermodynamics, but do not describe different structures. We find that the isocharges on the pressure-volume plane exhibit a Van der Waals-like structure, for RN-AdS black holes in the background. For BI-AdS black holes, we observe the analogy with a Van der Waals liquid-gas system for beta Q > 1/2 and Reentrant phase transition for beta Q < 1/2 in the holographic extended phase space. The same holographic thermodynamic behavior is observed when we use the fidelity susceptibility as the volume and the cosmological constant as the pressure for RN-AdS black hole in the background.
机译:我们在散装中存在Reissner-Nordstrom-Anti-De Sitter(RN-ADS)和富有录制 - 抗DE保姆(BI-ADS)黑洞中的全息扩展阶段空间。在这种扩展的阶段空间中,研究宇宙学常数作为压力和体积被定义为由在全息缠结熵的计算中出现的最小区域包围的散装几何中的块状几何中的分组一次性切片。这些热力学量可以用作黑洞热力学决定的潜在相变的探针,但不描述不同的结构。我们发现压力量平面上的ISO收点表现出van der WALS样结构,用于背景中的RN-ADS黑洞。对于Bi-ADS黑洞,我们观察与βQ> 1/2的Van der WaaS液 - 气体系统的类比,并在全息延伸期空间中的βQ <1/2的重圈相转变。当我们使用富待敏感性作为体积和宇宙学常数时,观察到相同的全息热力学行为作为背景中的RN-ADS黑洞的压力。



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