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The importance of new crops for Israeli floriculture.


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Rapid changes are occurring in the global production of cut flowers. Owing to fast growth of production in Latin America and Africa and some intensification in Asian Countries, an increasing volume of floricultural products, mainly cut flowers, is reaching world markets. Because supply is now growing faster than demand, competition for the markets has become fiercer than ever. The Israeli industry, which entered the field 36 years ago, is based mainly on the European market. During this period, marked changes have been made in order to meet the changing demands of the market. The main trends in the Israeli industry have been: (1) increasing diversity of species and cultivars, e.g. introducing and adapting wild flowers from the southern hemisphere;and (2) introducing "European summer flowers" and forcing them to flower during winter by growth manipulation and new techniques. In addition, family production area grew from 2-4 x 1000 m2 in former years to 10000 m2 or more at present. Specializationand intensification are the current directions. With the support of Israeli production and marketing organizations and with the help of research and development, we hope that the Israeli flower industry will sustain itself into the third millennium. Thispaper deals with the importance of new flower crops for Israeli floriculture.
机译:切花的全球生产正在发生快速变化。由于拉丁美洲和非洲产量的快速增长以及亚洲国家的集约化,越来越多的花卉产品(主要是切花)进入世界市场。由于现在供应增长快于需求增长,因此市场竞争比以往任何时候都更加激烈。 36年前进入该领域的以色列工业主要基于欧洲市场。在此期间,为了满足市场变化的需求,进行了明显的更改。以色列工业的主要趋势是:(1)物种和品种多样性的增加,例如:引进和适应南半球的野花;以及(2)引入“欧洲夏花”,并通过操纵生长和新技术迫使它们在冬季开花。此外,家庭生产面积从以前的2-4 x 1000平方米增加到现在的10000平方米或更多。专业化和集约化是当前的方向。我们希望在以色列生产和销售组织的支持下以及在研究和开发的帮助下,以色列花卉业能够持续到第三个千年。本文探讨了新型花卉作物对以色列花卉栽培的重要性。



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