首页> 外文期刊>Clinical neurology and neurosurgery >Efficacy of sertraline in post-traumatic brain injury (post-TBI) depression and quality of life: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Efficacy of sertraline in post-traumatic brain injury (post-TBI) depression and quality of life: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials


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The relative paucity of robust studies on pharmacological treatments for depression following traumatic brain injury precludes establishment of firm recommendations for its routine use in this population. The purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy and tolerability of sertraline in the treatment of post-TBI depression and improvement in quality of life. Randomized controlled trials (RCT) were identified by electronic search through PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciencas da Saude), Cochrane Library, Clinicaltrials.gov, and HERDIN (Health Research and Development Information Network database). Random effects meta-analysis of data for depression scale scores, treatment response, and quality of life scale scores was conducted. Four RCTs were included with a total of 224 patients. There were no significant mean differences in the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D17) scores (MD = 2.63, 95% CI [-1.32,6.57], p = 0.19), Maier subscale scores (MD = 0.88, 95% CI [-2.26, 4.01], p = 0.58), odds ratio of treatment response (OR = 1.04, 95% CI [0.13, 8.43], p = 0.97) and quality of life scale scores (SMD = -1.52, 95% CI [-5.65, 2.61], p = 0.47) between sertraline and placebo. The pooled evidence from four RCTs shows that sertraline is not superior to placebo in terms of improving depression and quality of life of patients with post-TBI depression. There is also insufficient evidence regarding its safety in this subset of patients.
机译:创伤性脑损伤后抑郁症药理治疗的稳健研究的相对缺乏禁止建立了本人的常规用途的公司建议。本研究的目的是确定塞拉曲林在治疗TBI后抑郁和改善生活质量的疗效和耐受性。通过Pubmed,Scopus,Cinahl(累积指数给护理和盟国健康文学),淡紫色(Literatura Latino-Americana e Do Caribe Em Cenencas da saude),Cochrane图书馆,Cochrane图书馆,Cochrane图书馆,Co.Chrane图书馆,Co.和牧民(健康研究和开发信息网络数据库)。进行随机效应抑郁尺度评分的数据分析,进行治疗响应和寿命比分质量。共有四个RCT,共有224名患者。 Hamilton抑制评级规模(HAM-D17)分数没有显着的平均差异(MD = 2.63,95%CI [-1.32,6.57],P = 0.19),MAIER次电评分(MD = 0.88,95%CI [ -2.26,4.01],p = 0.58),治疗响应的差距(或= 1.04,95%CI [0.13,8.43],p = 0.97)和寿命质量评分(SMD = -1.52,95%CI [ -5.65,2.61],P = 0.47)塞拉林和安慰剂之间。来自四个RCT的汇总证据表明,在改善后抑郁症患者的抑郁和生活质量方面,SeltraLine并不优于安慰剂。在这种患者的患者中,还存在有关其安全的证据。



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