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Improvement of Salt-affected Soils, Part 4: Heat Transfer Coefficient and Thermal Conductivity of Salt-affected Soils


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A new method was investigated for the improvement of salt-affected soils in regions where a sufficient amount of rainfall occurs in summer and the heat transfer coefficient and thermal conductivity of their soils were discussed. The subsoil is made coarse by soil sintering, and the capillarity from groundwater is cut-off. Thus, the rise to the soil surface of salts which are dissolved in the groundwater is prevented, and even if the groundwater level is high, the evaporation of water from the soil surface is reduced. In this paper, the heat transfer coefficient and thermal conductivity of the salt-affected soils were determined at the sintering temperatures (850-950℃) in order to obtain basic data for soil sintering. Based on these values, design and construction of a device for soil sintering will be described in a subsequent report. The results show that the heat transfer coefficient to the steel surface was about 40 Wm{sup}(-2)K{sup}(-1) in the range of 280-320℃. The heat transfer coefficient of the studied soil surfaces was about 60 Wm{sup}(-2)K{sup}(-1) in the range of 700-1000℃ regardless of types of soil. The thermal conductivity of pseudogley soil from Japan was about 0.1 Wmm{sup}(-2)K{sup}(-1) (specimen temperature was about 900℃, and soil water content was 0% dry basis) when the solid ratio was less than 0.38, and it was about 0.3 Wm{sup}(-2)K{sup}(-1) when the solid ratio was more than 0.38. The thermal conductivity of solonchak and solonetz from China was 0.1-0.3 Wm{sup}(-2)K{sup}(-1) (specimen temperature was about 900℃, and soil water content was 0% dry basis) regardless of the types of soil and horizon. The thermal conductivity of the upper layer soils of the solonchak and solonetz did not increase with greater solid ratio because salts contained in them make for a low thermal conductivity.
机译:研究了一种在夏季降雨充足的地区改良盐渍土壤的新方法,并讨论了土壤的传热系数和导热系数。通过土壤烧结使底土变粗,并切断了地下水的毛细作用。因此,防止了溶解在地下水中的盐类向土壤表面上升,并且即使地下水位高,也减少了水从土壤表面的蒸发。本文在烧结温度(850-950℃)下测定了盐渍土的传热系数和导热系数,为土壤烧结提供了基础数据。基于这些值,将在随后的报告中描述用于土壤烧结的设备的设计和构造。结果表明,在280-320℃范围内,钢表面的传热系数约为40 Wm {sup}(-2)K {sup}(-1)。无论土壤类型如何,在700-1000℃范围内,研究土壤表面的传热系数约为60 Wm {sup}(-2)K {sup}(-1)。当固含量比为1时,日本假g质土壤的导热系数约为0.1 Wmm {sup}(-2)K {sup}(-1)(标本温度约为900℃,土壤含水量为0%干基)。小于0.38,并且当固体比大于0.38时约为0.3Wm {sup}(-2)K {sup}(-1)。来自中国的solonchak和solonetz的热导率为0.1-0.3 Wm {sup}(-2)K {sup}(-1)(标本温度约为900℃,土壤含水量为0%干燥基准),无论土壤和地平线的类型。固体比更大时,solonchak和solonetz上层土壤的热导率不会增加,因为其中所含的盐会降低热导率。



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