首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Pediatrics >Caregivers' Experiences With Food Insecurity Screening and Impact of Food Insecurity Resources

Caregivers' Experiences With Food Insecurity Screening and Impact of Food Insecurity Resources


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We explored caregivers' experiences with food insecurity screening in a primary care setting and the impact of resources provided. English- and Spanish-speaking food insecure caregivers of children aged 1 to 5 years were recruited. In-depth individual semistructured interviews were conducted (n = 17) eliciting caregivers' experiences with food insecurity, clinic screening, and resources provided. Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Interviews were double-coded and thematic analysis was used to identify themes and subthemes. All caregivers described multiple and repeat experiences with food insecurity. Food insecurity screening was acceptable, but families were not always connected with resources. Caregivers described WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) as the most commonly used program to address food insecurity and infrequently utilized other food insecurity resources. Screening for food insecurity in primary care was generally well accepted by this sample of food insecure caregivers. Future studies are needed to determine how to improve connecting resources with families most in need.
机译:我们探讨了护理人员在初级保健环境中筛选食物不安全筛查以及所提供资源的影响。招募了英国人和西班牙语的食物不安全的照顾者1至5年的儿童。深入的各个半系统进行(n = 17)诱因护理人员与提供的粮食不安全,诊所筛查和资源提供的经验。访谈是录制的音频和转录逐字。采访是双重编码的,并使用专题分析来识别主题和子项。所有护理人员都描述了粮食不安全的多个和重复经验。粮食不安全筛查是可接受的,但家庭并不总是与资源相关联。护理人员描述了WIC(女性,婴儿和儿童)作为最常用的计划,以解决粮食不安全,并且不经常利用其他粮食不安全资源。在初级保健中筛选食物不安全的筛选是通过这种食物不安全的护理人员进行了很好的接受。未来的研究是确定如何改善最需要的家庭的连接资源。



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