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Dynamics, nucleosynthesis, and kilonova signature of black hole-neutron star merger ejecta


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We investigate the ejecta from black hole-neutron star mergers by modeling the formation and interaction of mass ejected in a tidal tail and a disk wind. The outflows are neutron-rich, giving rise to optical/infrared emission powered by the radioactive decay of r-process elements (a kilonova). Here we perform an end-to-end study of this phenomenon, where we start from the output of a fully-relativistic merger simulation, calculate the post-merger hydrodynamical evolution of the ejecta and disk winds including neutrino physics, determine the final nucleosynthetic yields using post-processing nuclear reaction network calculations, and compute the kilonova emission with a radiative transfer code. We study the effects of the tail-to-disk mass ratio by scaling the tail density. A larger initial tail mass results in fallback matter becoming mixed into the disk and ejected in the subsequent disk wind. Relative to the case of a disk without dynamical ejecta, the combined outflow has lower mean electron fraction, faster speed, larger total mass, and larger absolute mass free of high-opacity Lanthanides or Actinides. In most cases, the nucleosynthetic yield is dominated by the heavy r-process contribution from the unbound part of the dynamical ejecta. A Solar-like abundance distribution can however be obtained when the total mass of the dynamical ejecta is comparable to the mass of the disk outflows. The kilonova has a characteristic duration of 1 week and a luminosity of similar to 10(41) erg s(-1), with orientation effects leading to variations of a factor similar to 2 in brightness. At early times (<1 d) the emission includes an optical component from the (hot) Lanthanide-rich material, but the spectrum evolves quickly to the infrared thereafter.
机译:我们通过在潮汐尾部和圆盘风中模拟块状的形成和相互作用来研究来自黑洞中子星相器的喷射物。流出的中子流量是中子,引起光学/红外发射,由R-Process元素(千泊腊)的放射性衰减提供动力。在这里,我们执行这种现象的结束研究,其中我们从完全相对论的合并模拟的输出开始,计算出喷射器和磁盘风的后术后流体动力演化,包括中性物理学,确定最终的核酸产量使用后处理核反应网络计算,并使用辐射转移代码计算千龙瓦排放。我们通过缩放尾部密度来研究尾盘质量比的影响。更大的初始尾部质量导致回退的物质变得混合到圆盘中并在随后的磁盘风中弹出。相对于没有动态喷射器的盘的情况,组合流出的平均电子分数较低,速度更快,总质量越大,以及没有高不透明度镧系元素或散曲的绝对质量较大。在大多数情况下,核酸产量由来自动态喷射物的未结合部分的重型r-process贡献为主。然而,当动态喷射物的总质量与盘式流出的质量相当时,可以获得太阳能的丰度分布。千洛尼瓦的特征持续时间为1周,亮度与10(41)ERG S(-1)相似,方向效应导致亮度相似的因素的变化。早期(<1 d)发射包括来自富含(热)镧系元素的材料的光学组分,但频谱此后的光谱将快速发展到红外。



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