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Evaluation of Parameter Significance


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All NDT inspections use models. The number and type of models will varybetween inspections. A qualified inspection will use a PoD model to evaluatedetection capabilities. All techniques have some degree of calibration. Somecalibration processes generate curves that are simple models.Parameters are the building blocks of models. Models can be generated tounderstand what happens to the results of an inspection when parameterschange. Not all parameter variation will cause a decrease in a system’sdetection capability. For example, an increase in an indication’s length willlikely increase the chance of detection.Each variable or parameter involved in an inspection has natural variations.These variations will affect an inspection with different degrees. Evaluatingwhen a change is significant becomes an important aspect in developingsound inspection techniques. This article addresses several techniques usedto determine significance in changes between measurements.
机译:所有NDT检查都使用模型。 模型的数量和类型将反复检查。 合格的检查将使用POD模型来评估能力。 所有技术都有一定程度的校准。 Somecalibration过程生成简单模型的曲线.Parameters是模型的构建块。 模型可以生成Toundstand,当参数等等时检查检查结果发生了什么。 并非所有参数变化都会导致系统的Detection功能减少。 例如,指示长度的增加将增加检测的检测机会。检查中涉及的变量或参数具有自然变化。这些变化会影响不同程度的检查。 评估改变是显着的变化成为开发检查技术中的一个重要方面。 本文解决了几种用于确定测量之间变化中的重要性的技术。



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