首页> 外文期刊>Acta Histochemica: Zeitschrift fur Histologische Topochemie >Co-expression of TTF-1 and neuroendocrine markers in the human fetal lung and pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors

Co-expression of TTF-1 and neuroendocrine markers in the human fetal lung and pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors


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The expression pattern of thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF-1) and neuroendocrine markers, neuron cell adhesion molecule (NCAM; CD56), chromogranin A (CgA) and synaptophysin (Syp), of different lung cell lineages was histologically analyzed in 15 normal human fetal lungs and 12 neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) using immunohistochemical methods. During pseudoglandular phase strong nuclear TTF-1 staining was detected in the columnar nonciliated epithelial cells, while NCAM, CgA and Syp had a moderate expression in the proximal airways and mild expression in the distal airways. Neuroendocrine cells (NECs) in proximal lung airway were co-localizing TTF-1 and other neuroendocrine markers while neuroendocrine bodies (NEBs) exhibit only staining with NCAM and Syp. In the canalicular phase TTF-1 nuclear staining was expressed only in several epithelial cells in proximal airways, while budding airways epithelium showed strong TTF-1 expression. Expression of NCAM, CgA and Syp in this phase equals the one in pseudoglandular phase. NEBs cells were co-localizing TTF-1 and NCAM in proximal airways and few NECs in distal airway were co-localizing TTF-1 and Syp. TTF-1 staining in the saccular phase was limited to subsets of epithelial cells in the proximal airways with stronger positivity in the distal airways. NCAM expression is moderate only in proximal airways, while Syp and CgA show mild expression in proximal and distal airways. NECs were co-localizing TTF-1 and NCAM in proximal lung airway. With regard to NECs, all small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cells had strong TTF-1, NCAM, Syp and CgA positivity and TTF-1 co-localized with other neuroendocrine markers. All pulmonary typical carcinoids were TTF-1 negative, while pulmonary atypical carcinoids were focal positive for TTF-1 and some neoplastic cells co-localized TTF-1 with neuroendocrine markers.
机译:对15例正常人的不同肺细胞谱系的甲状腺转录因子1(TTF-1)和神经内分泌标志物,神经元细胞粘附分子(NCAM; CD56),嗜铬粒蛋白A(CgA)和突触素(Syp)的表达模式进行了组织学分析使用免疫组织化学方法检测胎儿肺和12个神经内分泌肿瘤(NET)。在伪腺期期间,在柱状非纤毛上皮细胞中检测到强核TTF-1染色,而NCAM,CgA和Syp在近端气道中中等表达而在远端气道中中等表达。肺气道近端的神经内分泌细胞(NEC)与TTF-1和其他神经内分泌标志物共定位,而神经内分泌小体(NEB)仅用NCAM和Syp染色。在小管期,TTF-1核染色仅在近端气道的几个上皮细胞中表达,而出芽的气道上皮显示出强的TTF-1表达。 NCAM,CgA和Syp在该阶段的表达等于假腺期的表达。 NEB细胞在近端气道中共定位TTF-1和NCAM,而在远端气道中少数NECs共定位TTF-1和Syp。囊期的TTF-1染色仅限于近端气道上皮细胞的子集,而远端气道中的阳性反应更强。 NCAM仅在近端气道中表达,而Syp和CgA在近端和远端气道中显示轻度表达。 NEC将TTF-1和NCAM共同定位在近端肺气道中。关于NEC,所有小细胞肺癌(SCLC)细胞均具有强TTF-1,NCAM,Syp和CgA阳性,并且TTF-1与其他神经内分泌标记物共定位。所有肺部典型类癌均为TTF-1阴性,而肺部非典型类癌为TTF-1局灶性阳性,一些肿瘤细胞与神经内分泌标志物共定位于TTF-1。



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