首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Zoology >Risk allocation: acute and chronic predator exposure have contrasting effects on Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) singing behaviour

Risk allocation: acute and chronic predator exposure have contrasting effects on Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) singing behaviour

机译:风险分配:急性和慢性捕食者暴露对歌曲麻雀(Melospiza Melodia)唱歌行为的对比作用

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Increasing the danger posed by predators may cause prey animals to alter their behaviour. For example, they may be more vigilant and so feed more slowly. Breeding male Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia (A. Wilson, 1810)) spend much time in conspicuous, loud song, which is an important behaviour for territorial defense and for mate attraction. We measured their singing behaviour in relation to both chronic (active Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii (Bonaparte, 1828)) nest nearby) and acute (playback of hawk calls) predator exposure. We found that proximity to a Cooper's Hawk nest had little or no influence. In contrast, the response to acute exposure was strong and immediate: Song Sparrows reduced the song rate and the proportion of time spent singing, lowered perch height, and increased concealment. The decline in the amount of song during the few minutes following playback attributable to the acute exposure was 34.6%. We analyze these results in light of theories about how animals adjust risk taking in response to predation danger. Given that the numbers of their predators have risen steadily for the past few decades and affect the level of singing, we consider the implications for trend estimates of songbird populations based on surveys using auditory methods.
机译:增加捕食者提出的危险可能导致猎物动物改变其行为。例如,它们可能更加警惕,饲料更慢。育种男性歌曲麻雀(Melospiza Melodia(A.Wilson,1810))花费很多时间,大声歌曲,这是领土防御和伴侣吸引力的重要行为。我们以慢性(Active Cooper的鹰(Accipiter Cooperii(Bonaparte,1828))附近的歌曲)衡量了他们的歌唱行为,而急性(哈克呼叫的播放)捕食者曝光。我们发现与Cooper的鹰巢的靠近很少或根本没有影响力。相比之下,对急性暴露的反应强大而立即:歌曲麻雀降低了歌曲率和花费的比例唱歌,降低了鲈鱼高度和增加的隐藏。归属于急性暴露的播放后几分钟的歌曲量下降为34.6%。我们根据关于动物如何调整风险的理论来分析这些结果,以应对捕食危险。鉴于他们的掠夺者数量在过去的几十年里稳步上升并影响歌唱水平,我们考虑使用听觉方法的调查对鸣禽群体趋势估计的影响。



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