首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Spatial and age-related variation in use of locally common song elements in dawn singing of song sparrows Melospiza melodia: old males sing the hits

Spatial and age-related variation in use of locally common song elements in dawn singing of song sparrows Melospiza melodia: old males sing the hits

机译:麻雀Melospiza melodia黎明歌唱中当地常见歌曲元素的使用在空间和年龄方面的差异:老年男性演唱流行歌曲

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In many songbirds, individuals have repertoires of multiple song types, some of which may be shared with others in the local area. Hypotheses about the evolution of song repertoires differ as to whether selection acts primarily on repertoire size itself or the ability to match songs of neighbours. We used a 16-channel acoustic location system to record neighbourhoods of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia melodia) during the dawn chorus. We asked whether males sing all songs with similar frequency as predicted by the Repertoire Size Hypothesis, whether males preferentially sing highly shared songs as predicted by the General Sharing Hypothesis, or whether use of highly shared songs is associated with phenotype as predicted by the Conditional Sharing Hypothesis. Contrary to the Repertoire Size Hypothesis, most males did not sing all songs equally often. Contrary to the General Sharing Hypothesis, we found no general tendency to overproduce highly shared songs. The degree to which males overproduced highly shared songs was repeatable across days, indicating consistent individual differences, and varied across neighbourhoods. Moreover, and consistent with the Conditional Sharing Hypothesis, older males were more likely to overproduce highly shared songs. If highly shared song is a conventional signal of aggression, with the threat of receiver retaliation maintaining honesty, older males may be more willing or able to risk conflict. Alternatively, males may learn which songs are effective signals for an area. Finally, age-related variation in vocal performance may shape the adaptive value of highly shared song.
机译:在许多歌曲鸟中,个人具有多种歌曲类型的曲目,其中一些曲目可能与本地的其他曲目共享。关于歌曲曲目库演变的假设在选择是否主要取决于曲目库大小本身或匹配邻居歌曲的能力方面有所不同。我们使用16声道声学定位系统记录黎明合唱期间歌雀(Melospiza melodia melodia)的邻居。我们询问男性是否以所有曲目的频率都与曲目曲目大小假说所预测的相似,是否男性优先按照通用共享假说所预测的那样高度共享歌曲,或者是否使用条件较高的歌曲与条件共享所预测的表型有关?假设。与曲目大小假设相反,大多数男性并不经常演唱所有歌曲。与一般共享假设相反,我们没有发现普遍产生过度共享高度歌曲的趋势。男性过度生产高度共享的歌曲的程度在几天之内是可重复的,表明个体差异是一致的,并且在各个社区之间也有所不同。而且,与有条件共享假说相一致,年龄较大的男性更有可能过量生产高度共享的歌曲。如果高度共享的歌曲是侵略的传统信号,而接收者报复的威胁会保持诚实,那么年长的男性可能更愿意或能够冒冲突的风险。或者,男性可以了解哪些歌曲是该地区的有效信号。最后,与年龄相关的声音表现变化可能会影响高度共享的歌曲的自适应值。



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