A'/> Transulnar approach for coronary catheterization in patients with a harvested ipsilateral radial artery: A case series
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Transulnar approach for coronary catheterization in patients with a harvested ipsilateral radial artery: A case series


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Abstract Forearm approach for coronary catheterization is associated with better outcomes, compared to the femoral approach. However, the possibility of post catheterization forearm artery occlusion is a medical concern, which leads many patients to be treated transfemorally. We present a case series of patients who had a harvested radial artery and were successfully catheterized from ipsilateral ulnar artery without any complications recorded Highlights ? We present ulnar approach for catheterization in patients with previously extracted ipsilateral radial artery. ? The anterior interosseous artery arising from the proximal ulnar artery supplies with blood flow the distal part of the extracted radial artery and the palmar arch. ? No complications were observed with this approach. ]]>
机译:<![cdata [ 抽象 与股本接近相比,冠状动脉导管的前臂方法与更好的结果相关联。然而,导尿术前前臂动脉闭塞的可能性是一种医学问题,导致许多患者被迁移治疗。我们展示了一个患者系列患者,其中具有收获的桡动脉,并从同侧尺骨动脉成功导尿,没有任何作用的并发症 突出显示 ?< / ce:标签> 我们在先前提取的同侧桡动脉患者中呈现ulnar方法,用于患者的患者。 < CE:列表项ID =“U0010”> 从近端尺骨动脉用品产生的前孔板动脉血液流动提取的桡动脉和TH的远端部分e palmar arch。 没有通过这种方法观察到并发症。 ]]>



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