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Localized activation of proteins in a free intracellular space: Dependence of cellular morphologies and reaction schemes


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Localized activation of proteins in a cell is crucial for the segregation of cellular functions leading, for example, to the development of polarized cells and chemotaxis. If there is a physical diffusion barrier, localized activation of proteins will emerge. In case of no physical barrier, however, it is not clear to what extent the protein activation is localized within a three dimensional intracellular space. In the previous report we showed a simulation result of localized activation of Ca~(2+)/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) within a dendritic spine of a neuron, and this localization was enhanced by the diffusion of calmodulin. However, a dendritic spine will act as a physical diffusion barrier. Here, we report that the localization of activated proteins is seen in more simplified morphology with no diffusion barrier. Furthermore, this localization was seen with a simple reaction scheme. In case that a Ca~(2+) source was located at the center of the spherical cell with diameter of 20μm, which is the extreme case without any physical diffusion barrier, the simulation results showed localized activation of a protein around the Ca~(2+) source. This localized activation was also enhanced by the diffusion of calmodulin. These localizations were not blurred with time within the tested time range. The reason for the increase in the localization by the diffusion of calmodulin was the replenishment of free calmodulin from surrounding regions. These simulation results indicate that the localized activation of proteins emerges in biological cells without any physical diffusion barrier, and the replenishment of proteins by diffusion can act as an enhancer of localized activation of downstream proteins.
机译:细胞中蛋白质的局部活化对于细胞功能的分离至关重要,例如导致极化细胞的发育和趋化性。如果存在物理扩散障碍,则会出现蛋白质的局部活化。然而,在没有物理屏障的情况下,尚不清楚蛋白质活化在三维细胞内空间内定位的程度。在以前的报告中,我们显示了神经元树突棘中Ca〜(2 +)/钙调蛋白依赖性激酶II(CaMKII)的局部激活的模拟结果,而钙调蛋白的扩散增强了这种定位。但是,树突棘将充当物理扩散屏障。在这里,我们报告激活蛋白的定位是在没有扩散障碍的更简化的形态中看到的。此外,通过简单的反应方案可以看到这种定位。如果Ca〜(2+)源位于直径为20μm的球形小室的中心(这是没有任何物理扩散障碍的极端情况),则模拟结果表明Ca〜(2+)周围的蛋白质局部活化。 2+)来源。钙调蛋白的扩散也增强了这种局部活化。在测试时间范围内,这些本地化不会随时间模糊。钙调蛋白的扩散导致局部化增加的原因是来自周围区域的游离钙调蛋白的补充。这些模拟结果表明,蛋白质的局部活化出现在没有任何物理扩散障碍的生物细胞中,并且通过扩散补充蛋白质可以充当下游蛋白质的局部活化的增强剂。



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