首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Male aggressiveness as intrasexual contest competition in a cross-cultural sample

Male aggressiveness as intrasexual contest competition in a cross-cultural sample


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Sexual selection favors traits that increase mating and, thus, reproductive success. Some scholars have suggested that intrasexual selection driven by contest competition has shaped human male aggression. If this is the case, one testable hypothesis is that beliefs and behavior related to male aggression should be more prevalent in societies where the intensity and strength of sexual selection is higher. Measured by factors such as (a) the presence and scope of polygyny; (b) the number of same-sex competitors relative to potential mates, and (c) the amount of effort males are available to allocate to mating. Using Bayesian item response models with imputation and data from 78 societies in the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample, we found robust support for this hypothesis when using variables related to male aggression. We ruled out some potential alternative explanations by controlling for geographic region and confounding variables such as political complexity and warfare.
机译:性选择有利于增加交配的特征,从而增加生殖成功。 一些学者们提出,竞争竞赛驱动的内部选择形成了人类男性的侵略。 如果是这种情况,一个可测量的假设是与男性侵略相关的信念和行为在性能强度和强度更高的情况下,应更加普遍。 按因素衡量,例如(a)Polygyny的存在和范围; (b)相对于潜在伙伴的同类竞争对手的数量,以及(c)可用于交配的努力罚款。 使用贝叶斯项目响应模型具有来自标准跨文化示例的78个社会的归属和数据,我们发现使用与男性侵略相关的变量时对该假设的强大支持。 我们通过控制地理区域和混杂的变量,如政治复杂性和战争等混淆变量排除了一些潜在的替代解释。



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