首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of public health: Revue canadienne de sante publique >Estimation of the impacts of substance use on workplace productivity: a hybrid human capital and prevalence-based approach applied to Canada

Estimation of the impacts of substance use on workplace productivity: a hybrid human capital and prevalence-based approach applied to Canada


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Objective Policy makers require evidence-based estimates of the economic costs of substance use-attributable lost productivity to set strategies aimed at reducing substance use-related harms. Building on a study by Rehm et al. (2006), we provide estimates of workplace costs using updated methods and data sources. Methods We estimated substance use-attributable productivity losses due to premature mortality, long-term disability, and presenteeism/absenteeism in Canada between 2007 and 2014. Lost productivity was estimated using a hybrid prevalence and incidence approach. Substance use prevalence data were drawn from three national self-report surveys. Premature mortality data were from the Canadian Vital Statistics Death Database, and long-term disability and workplace interference data were from the Canadian Community Health Survey. Results In 2014, the total cost of lost productivity due to substance use was $15.7 billion, or approximately $440 per Canadian, an increase of 8% from 2007. Substances responsible for the greatest economic costs were alcohol (38% of per capita costs), tobacco (37%), opioids (12%), other central nervous system (CNS) depressants (4%), other CNS stimulants (3%), cannabis (2%), cocaine (2%), and finally other psychoactive substances (2%). Conclusion In 2014, alcohol and tobacco represent three quarters of substance use-related lost productivity costs in Canada, followed by opioids. These costs provide a valuable baseline that can be used to assess the impact of future substance use policy, practice, and other interventions, especially important given Canada's opioid crisis and recent cannabis legalization.
机译:客观决策者需要证据基于证据的依据使用物质可应力的经济成本,以确定旨在减少物质使用相关危害的策略。建立rehm等人的研究。 (2006),我们使用更新的方法和数据来源提供工作场所成本的估计。方法2007年至2014年期间,我们估算了由于早产,长期残疾和加拿大的缺勤/缺勤/缺勤造成的物质可归属的生产率损失。利用混合患病率和发病方法估算了生产力。物质使用流行数据来自三个国家自我报告调查。过早死亡率数据来自加拿大生命统计死亡数据库,长期残疾和工作场所干扰数据来自加拿大社区卫生调查。结果2014年,由于物质使用的生产率损失的总成本为157亿美元,或每加中约440美元,从2007年增加8%。负责最大经济成本的物质是酒精(占人均成本的38%),烟草(37%),阿片类药物(12%),其他中枢神经系统(CNS)抑郁症(4%),其他CNS兴奋剂(3%),大麻(2%),可卡因(2%),最后其他精神活性物质(2%)。结论2014年,酒精和烟草在加拿大代表加拿大的三个季度有关的物质使用损失成本,其次是阿片类药物。这些成本提供了一个有价值的基线,可用于评估未来物质使用政策,实践和其他干预的影响,特别是鉴于加拿大阿片类药物危机和最近大麻合法化的重要性。



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